eat drink party
Oh blog life lol. Nice pix casie!
That’s it I am ordering a pizza.
Here is your video of the day. I have smooth moves.
I’ll come up with retarded captions for these wiener shots in a bit. Rebecca went to Parts and Labour and got her period so, you know, we made fun of that a lot.
Keep your eyeballs on this spot for more photos and review of the Parts and Labour catering launch party, great times, tacos, noodles, burgers, booze, and booze. Oh yeah. My blue heart pasties will be making the news too! Baller.
No regrets!
I started out the night like this.
I hid a bottle of wine behind my back like that.
I wore them all day.
The noodles were fab. I lined up twice. I ate a chicken wing in line while waiting for my second round then I had a bit of a burger and a taco. It is killing me to think about food right now wow what a whiner. If I wasn’t a whiner I wouldn’t be a very good blogger now would I? Exactly.
dear god, is that a loose meat sandwich?
nope even better it’s tacos.
There is a photo in this post that I am tempted to make my computer desktop wallpaper
the one of noodles obviously