Doing mediocre the best
Here’s the day I decided my journey as a platinum blond will come to an end.
As my roots come in on windy days it gets a little too Rod Stewart up and back there, or scary as Bech said O_O.
Pinning it works but I’d like to be more natural than that and not have to do all these things to my head before I leave the house. Yes I’d like to be a natural platinum blond haha, impossible.
What? Hi there.
It’s “in” to have roots right now but most of our city trends only make sense in the city and I picture my nana “saying something” come mother’s day so, no thanks. One time I was wearing these shitty reebok sneakers, uber cool look d/t but to normies they just looked really stupid and this girl made a comment about wearing comfortable shoes in the city like that was the reason I was dressing so moronic. I never listen to anyone else’s opinions about my anything, it’s not that I’m stubborn I just know what I like and I’ll budge when I am ready. And now, I am ready. Just don’t go black my mom said.
Hi again stupid cigarettes.
I’m going to miss this hair I will def pine for it and the gobs of photos I have starring it will make me weepy but I know the Little Raymis will come out of the woodwork cheering and rejoicing like it’s 2004 again so that’s good. Everyone else will do a solid obvious ignore silence I bet.
I tried really hard to be Holly Madison and all that’s done to me is broken the back of my head of hair, a lot. Photos from a year ago it seems like my hair hasn’t grown at all, just my bangs, it’s frustrating, no, infuriating.
I turn heads with this hair but they don’t know the work that goes in to it. Very frequent routine salon visits. Delicate feather hair. Breakage. Oh and the commentary and unsolicited rude opinions. I think everyone is rude nowadays and just say things without thinking or tact so it’s not just something I’m afflicted by but I think people might be nicer to me if I have a more muted tone of hair. I feel the pre-judgement from women in a room sometimes and it’s not good, the thoughts in their heads, it’s fucking stupid. I had a wonderful time being blond I think you should try everything once but I will not miss bitches being bitches.
A big thick mane of hair no matter the colour is always the winner.
I brought Rebecca back a present from the spa courtesy of the crazy woman who barfed in the pool. She was wearing one of these at the time. It’s a disposable bathing suit it even has a hole in the back like you can do a swimathon in it.
Anyway This is my last week of being 28 years old and blond. I better enjoy it right.
What’s not to enjoy?
I am really going to need a tan soon once I am darker I’ll look way more white.
Jules said Rebecca needs a blog too yeah no shit (I think she tumbls) but she has a real job and no time plus is too stupid (that’s what you get for saying my hair is scairy hairy hii!)
Someone told me that Stella’s breed is the best because border collie blue healers (nice name right?) are like siblings. I never forgot it. It’s a good name up until a dog person asks me what she is and I say a BLUE COLLAR… then we laugh, I think about it and get it right. It’s true though she’s a very happy dog who needs to be a part of everythang.
Which is adorablah and a nice way to pass time.
Here we are singing the Yeah yeah song that was invented infinity hangovers ago (when one is at a creative peak) you just have to hear it to believe it, it’s stupid and cute. I go YEAH YEAH, YEAH YEAH! And on each second YEAH Stella puts her mouth up to my mouth to take a sniff of my amazing breath and the song keeps going until no one can take it anymore or we die laughing.
Stella just can’t enough that’s my jam turn it up! She says. Sorry for dressing like a grandma guys.
Maybe we should make a music video.
Jules and Stella would be a good spin off show, them hating each other & competing for rank. Sorry I can’t hang I am watching my favourite show.
We all look like David Hasselhoff when we hang on the rug but it’s unavoidable to just spread out on it. Last night Teach ate lying down in fact, both funny and dangerous.
Too bad this wasn’t better lit and that’s pretty much what the expression on my face is getting at too in said photo.
That canvas is oh so buckled, it doesn’t look that bad IRL but who cares about that!
It’s nice this stupid lives so close by if we go away she can babysit Stella or walk her a million times.
So cute.
Took more pics than I thought. You never know with mystery camera they usually will suck, could suck.
Yep it came to this.
It’s going to be a great summer. Better crap later have a nice Sunday.
so what colour you gonna go then? back to brown or something new?
holy moly, have been out of the blog world for ages, reading and writing. it’s nice to see you’re still kicking, of course I didn’t expect that you wouldn’t be. looking forward to seeing the hair beautiful. xo
a darker blonde but I’m also toying with brunette, it might be a gradual process, we’ll see what I can handle w/o having to lose length.
hi trista welcome back!
yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah ye….
ooh i like the idea of a darker blonde? darker like mine?
like a golden blonde would look fantastic!!
spin off show with stella sounds adorablah bwahahah but only if i can be a pro sock model like these photos hiii pink sockies
It’s blue heeler not blue healer. I’m a know it all. Sorry, I cannot help myself and I realize it’s obnoxious. It’s kind of an OCD thing.
thanks gianni no worries
Thanks for understanding. I can’t wait to see your new hair.
cuttteee strawberry earrings !
I’d start at the darker blond as its close to your original colour
once you go dark, its too much damage to go lighter
When it comes to hair
its about keeping it as “touchable” as possible.
No matter what the colour
This contributes to a more youthful appearance
After all, our hair is the crown n glory
I love your hair, but I understand your disposition. I know that whatever colour you choose will be great! Even if you go back to black.
So, a while it has been. That’s exciting news about your hair and all… I vote go natural because I always thought it looked good just the way it was, but I liked where you took the whole platinum thing, too… so, anyway- my two cents. I’m sure you’ll look fine regardless of what you decide to do.
When you say “Better crap later” are you going to hold something in that you shouldn’t (like that scrumptious BK Stacker) or are you talking about updating?
hi pinky. better crap later means, more crap, coming later, and better at that.