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Craft Hipster bait

Working on new blog layout. Things will be looking cooler here very soon!

Guess what folks, tonight at 9:30PM RAYMBO TIME (Toronto and whatever lol) on MTV it’s my episode of Creeps TONIGHT! TOMORROW AGH! I have broken out in to zits for the occasion. I REPEAT, TOMORROW NIGHT 9:30PM NOT TONIGHT. Holy fucking stupidcalafragalistic. The both times I sat to edit this dumb blurb I have been interrupted. URG.

5 thoughts on “Craft Hipster bait

  1. zits just know when to come along and be assholes. Mine did that to me last week. Not that I had any special appearances on anything other than Vancouver transit, but… I’m incredibly vain so it matters.

  2. totally, i go from makeup mask to mud mask and feel like it isnt worth it at all right now for makeup cos theyre all adding up but it’s the time of the month for ‘em so, oh well. the solution is no solution.

  3. Yes bechnique it was quite the vortex. i lost my coat, i got it back! casie it’s YOU who knows them all muaahahaha xo

    trying to get drunk here people!

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