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The heathered grey Valentine K photographs so flatteringly and I love the pink. Can I trade? Should I?



My hat matches the painting. Met Teacher’s other sister last night, she is awesome! Turns out his family has been reading my blog all along, hey guys, Looks like Christmas is gonna be interesting. Prepare for full on Raymi and be careful what you wish for ;). Ps. Meet Paco your new son-in-law!

#spicypeanutchicken #spadinagardenholla #onetimerusselpeterswasheatingbehindmeinthere

Ooh what’s this? A new tree ornament!

#StellaandRaymigosamplesalingtogeths #forevs #chariseismyhomeboy




Pink or classic?

#hotclutch #toohotforyou #canborrowonly

I don’t trust myself to borrow things.

#Thiswaynothisway #mmph #ummphfff #what?

Love ya lil buddaroonie! Why do I talk like this? Why not?

#So #much #SWAG.



Bunny needed a bag for her one teeny shirt (I would have stuffed it in my pocket) but I know she is a student and will use this way more than my monthly burlesque transporting of tickle trunk. We reversed it and I didn’t want to give it away, but I did. I have loads of Nella purses, going to go by and see Tarek soon.

Relax, it’s only textbooks Bunny. Enjoy xo your pal Raymi. She said she is loving it btw.

YUM. I am such a pig right meow. Stress eating. Well since Thursday. What a bender. Baby got me this shade of nail polish top fav rotated colour. I want that shade Jenny and I wore the night we party hartied. I was a bone rack.

Cherry Garcia is smokin’ hot, and alive! Amazing. That’s her nickname. You got Raymified.

I like how skinny elongated 19 year old sex model raymi behind you (by jamie) is posing fierrcely with you too.

I chose the bigger sized ones so it would slouch more and I can belt it, I am an amazon.

I had to put pants (bettie page pin up shorts) on before his sis came by.

I am going to live in it all winter. There’s a pic of me in this with Stella and she has lazer eyes. I will dump my blackberry photos on the webz tomorrow. Something to look forward to!

Dance class now in sesh!

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