Somebody calls you you answer quite slowly
This is us hitting Kingston. I had to piss. (at 1:05 a construction dude walks by ahhaa) Same night of THE LIGHTNING STRIKES BACK: PLANET EARTH VS. WAR OF THE WORLDS. Holy crap that was a thrill. In this video you can see my maiden flower headdress that I continuously and nervously fidget with. Wearing shit on your head takes getting used to. Embodying whimsical angel princessitude takes getting used to, what, oh this? This is just my virginally pure and pious Medieval flower Maypole head wreath. I am going to form a dance around it. Really wish I bought a dress. It’s a big investment, super expensive. I will be ready for next summer’s visit to Quebec City for a sexy Medieval faire dress. I like to design the dance first, costume second. We had minimal cds on the ride, SOMEONE didn’t think to inform me to pick some and purposely chose what THEY wanted. We listened to all discs within 3 hours. How Sofia Coppola-lit is this video? She likes blondes, ahem!
probably not a good time to tell your Dad that you now have half the planet looking st you ………..
oh he knows and is very good at ignoring/deluding. are you spam?
Spam lol
I am a mere follower ……..
Always puts a smile on my face seeing what you get up to.
Life does indeed need to be lived
sorry just get a lot of it