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dear raymi thanks for being a conundrum

Dear Raymi,

I’ve been following your blog for a bit out of lurid curiosity, disdainful feminine jealousy, and insatiable voyeurism. Goddamnit, you’re wildly successful.

I am a small, brunette (sometimes pudgy), woman given to fits of rage and antisocial tendencies. I’m from the southeastern U.S. and stifled by a cultural inability to be anything but lovely. It’s terrible. I’m naturally a charming monster– a siren and a witch. I think you have made that dichotomy palatable to a lot of people through your blog. Women are bitches and unicorns and things you can’t imagine living with, or living without.

Raymi, after much deliberation, I think you’re tops. Get rich. Get famous. It’s only what we all wish we could do. You shouldn’t have to apologize for being better (on paper) than most of us. But I do have to say, your writing, and sense of humor, and personality, really are more valuable currency than your beauty (which is quite apparent). Maybe you could devote a post now and then to how you developed those skills– just so the regular girls don’t lose hope. Keep writing. Keep being honest. I’ll keep recommending your blog to my lady friends. Thanks for being a conundrum.



ahhhh you made my morning! more than this hotel coffee, which i think is wreaknig havoc on my innards mexican water style (hopefully). how long have you been reading?

(first part of my response redacted for privacy’s sake) im related to kerouac and am bipolar, my dad’s side of the family is pretty scholarly (british) and i have a strong streak of that from them. i’m just a lucky asshole i think. you’ve given me much to think about. thanks alice. i talk a bit about my writing craft/gift in my book that one day i will publish when i’m done being a loser.

don’t hesitate to write again, you broke the nice ice. wicked.

xo your pal raymi

this trip was months in the making, planning and weeks in the dreaming of. all my friends going on mini jaunts here and there before me and i am like HI i am going away too i swear. it’s hard to look forward to a trip when it’s not for months but eventually it comes and you can’t believe it. i need more vacations is what i’ve learned. very worth it. we move rooms today and these slobs stole our poolside spot. pool war. no we’re going for a beach cruise to even out our tans. xo raymbo

2 thoughts on “dear raymi thanks for being a conundrum

  1. I second every nice thing that everyone has ever said about you.

    You know, even though I don’t know you. I just think you are great.

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