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walk the river like a hunted animal

grabbed a few thangs from advhaus. don’t forget we are having our monthly party tonight at salvador darling, my little darlings. 1237 queen street west.

thankfully i did my grabbing clothed as walter the landlord tore all the winter plastic off the tickle trunk’s windows, i waved to him, startled him i think. cool timing. today was a great workout colleague and i did the buddy system and i full on SCHOOLED HIS ASS tapping out the end of the session by dragging tyler on the sled. filmed it. i could probably beat up your boyfriend. yes that is a threat. haha.

damn these AA body suits are awfully lewd eh. need more.

last night i was personally offended by lots of things. like this drunk slob’s suit jacket fashioned into a hilarious vest.

he was a rowdy one and i liked that a lot, couldn’t tell if the sleeves were just torn right off or a shitty job of hemming the jacket was done. custom-made, a DIY project?

it would be cooler if he wasn’t wearing plaid shorts and a different plaid shirt. i’m sorry toronto but, i intend to call you on all of your don’ts.

and then i was offended by james joyce that f–ing sexist asshole. women HAVE emotions and yeah the majority of them (us) do fly off the emotional handle but that’s only because men make us f–ing insane! intellect my ass, more like self-serving domineering garbage. haha.

i hope they do this party again.

i liked their party promotion campaign. cool branding will always supersede self-proclaimed social media expertise. did anyone know of this party on twitter? doubt it.

the drink tickets were oh so cute.

melodie said she liked that my roots were coming in. that is such a melodie thing to say and a princess raymi no way. counting down days til my hair appt.

mish-mash post! meet carmen. jill and tyler’s third girl. i wonder if tyler has become more of a sensitive man as a result of all that femininity running around.

tonight we go to another bbq chez lisa. excited. she said just bring my eating skills. i will actually be trying to leave them at home.

doin’ the sneak.

the pee pee pose makes your gams look awesome. oh wait, they look awesome no matter the pose. i’m going tina turner, all about the legs. even in alaska. LEGS!

looks like we are in a secret garden bomb shelter. it’s cos we were.

i would love one of these about now.

jungle bbq.

taking darius to a cruise party tomorrow on a beautiful boat that fits 150 on it. will be an ice cream social. i don’t care how hungover we collectively are. BIG SUNGLASSES and BIG SMILES! we will be dressed accordingly on this beautiful vessel called the MARIPOSA BELLE.


getting my steak on.

hahah i have dad with five o’clock shadow making bacon and eggs on a sunday morning hair. awesome. mom show shawn.

i made this tuesday night for dinner. turkey sausage is healthiest. do NOT ever buy soy sour cream. SO disgusting. come over and have some, be my guest. bring your own spew bucket. ugh it’s making my stomach roller coaster just thinking about it. like when i had a maple sugar candy or orange chocolate. barf le barf.

that jerk powder has no heat so i dumped a ton of habanero (homemade!) sauce in this batch and it got the better of me the next day on its way out. i think our citywide hot sauce competition will be a two-parter, the going in and the are-you-man-enough going out.

it, was delicious. not very photogenic though.

and so, it appears i may be moving in. i was freaking out about it, all the cat hair, three animals plus two humans ack! maybe lady garbage can go back to the garbage? (i would NEVER fyi) but then i noticed (was reminded) that they are besties and i may have shed a little metaphorical tear. teacher is sensitive about my alleged disdain for lady garbage, no i don’t hate her she’s just, if i had to choose, HAD TO key words, it’d be her and then i would cry for days over guilt omg i think i just got my period. do you think emotions can trigger your cycle, jumpstart it? likely not cos if that were true i’d be on my period all the time right james joyce?

thanks for making me look like a prick.

red flag dropped off my chairs it’s all happening man. match the couch perfectly. speaking of have to decide where to put all my shit. i have enough time to sort it out.

watching her crawl out of this was funny, i think everyone in the universe has this ikea laundry slinky, it flattens into nothing, which is what she learned when climbing out her arms were on the ground on the outside of the accordion then it SPRANG UP super wicked comically fast and her entire body was extended, legs still clung/attached to the edge. she looked at me like WTFFFF????! i just shrugged. cats are so curious, they gotta learn on their own.

stella and i experienced a FIRST together. teacher never ties her up cos he thinks she’ll be stolen. no f-ing way someone would steal a dog run up to them by a turbo platinum bombshell asshole by the time they could even make it around a corner their torso would be separated from their hips, by me, barehanded. anyway, i tied her up, she turned into a statue, got my beans ground, americano and off we went like the royals of libville that we are.

is it bad that after 3ish months i still don’t know what this cat’s actual name is? more like awesome bad. she loves this chair and is dozing in it now. nerd.

no prob! should read like do not even bother riding this elevator unless you tweet.

omg soo yeon lee crush. i party stalked her but didn’t have the nards to say hi. i busted her looking at me a few times, but maybe that’s because i was staring at her like i had staring problems. remember when that was a huge burn?


it wasn’t just her, EVERYONE was hot at this party, dressed very well, young-seeming. where did all these hotties come from all the sudden?

i’m actually pretty good (at everything i do) at ping pong.

this photo of mine made the RT rounds. i said classy ping pong is the way to do it.

how do you navigate (at parties) a hamburger, a drink, your phone and purse? this moment almost made us break up (j/k) cos my f–ing stevie nicks bat dress kept tucking into my pocket when i was trying to jam my phone in it and there wasn’t a ledge near us and we were in the middle of a cold war with one another and the polite patient server, omg the longest 15 seconds of my liiiiife.

how to dress when you’re a fat water retaining pig. gauzy billowy kaftans.

the muggy dusk city.

she’s so tiny i had to shuffle aside a few to capture her cos the beam totally hid her from me. how creepy does hid her from me sound? black tshirt with her was like her show pony ponger which makes sense, if she’s so good yet has to play a normie always battin’ the ball on to the floor it doesn’t give her a chance to flex her skill-set.

the deej and i dig that king west mag lots.

i saw on her twitter that she was sore from all this high heel ping ponging. worth it dude you looked solid. then friggin’ thelma and louise showed up (no, they really did and we missed them).

we walked to bistro lafayette.

i eavesdropped and judged accordingly to everything i heard. you would too trust me there was tons to work with.

love this little sanctuary. i will def go back for more. the inside is also quite eclectic. french btw.

they need to ditch the scarecrow though i don’t know what that’s all about, it’s not autumn and it’s not wal*mart.

i had salad with Gruyère.

teach had onion soup. said if i want to get in the good books to make this. so easy, challenge accepted, i’ll just have to get in to some trouble first. there’s a food p0rny vid of this soup’s massacre.

and because i am actually a saint, not a monster, i let him have a cig.

we hopped the BK fence for the first time to save time.

wednesday morning pre-stretch with kash.

ahh the life.

blob. raymi the famous blobber. blobbing for over a decade.

just wait i will be a twig again v soon.

hello again.

orange and pink look so lovely together and that’s spa water, infused with cukes. delicious. going to start doing that. like right NOW in fact there’s a cute blue pitcher and a cucumber here. done.

i’ve been nursing an afternoon delight of the last half glass of this. tgif.

just anotha day.

i look like my nana in those glasses.

ok monster must bathe now. see you tonight maybe?

10 thoughts on “walk the river like a hunted animal

  1. “likely not cos if that were true i’d be on my period all the time right james joyce?” I burst out laughing when I read that and nearly got busted scoping your blog at work. Whoops.

  2. totally can though…couple months ago i was so pissed at this bitch i work with (more pissed than id ever been i think, it was almost like an all day thing), my period started. which only made my day worse. true shit man. i can still surprise myself after all these years.

  3. that black polka dot suit can be worn as a swimsuit

    looks inspirational

    I’m more like Meryl Streeps thinking at this point, I know I’ll never have a pancake stomach and accept it

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