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duhs heard round the world

after these were taken we went out and had pasta. a lot. well, for me it was, as i never have pasta. teacher says it paw-stuh. ugh annoying. i think steph says it like that too and rye makes fun of her for it. rightly so sir! i told her i am in a marriage race with her haha lol. she is already engaged so, you know, i better step it up.


why do i land guys with a billion fucking animals always? suh-igh. there’s like a fucking castle of animals over there behind me. it’s fine. they all worship me anyway.

hi i have no neck but i’m incredibly cute so please let me in.

eating pasta isn’t worth it, i was in a full on carb coma while watching survivor. during though, it’s always worth it. dilemma. watching a j date go down was fucking best. dessert wasn’t necessary. we went to metro for whoppers (chocolate malt balls, bulk, bin# 10105, expensive!) and these no-bake peanut butter oat cookie things. we almost bought a nanaimo bar medley but realized we were turning into a cathy comic nightmare so we gave it a rest.

i am too afraid to move that pile of blankets crap over there cos of all the animal hair contained. maybe i am developing chest cough cos of all of it? my mom said she had this cough her last go around of illness and was prescribed a puffer, of which she never filled cos the cough went away. i told this to the teacher and he’s like, bubbye cats! NO! sighh speed faint down the stairs in eternal dramatic emotional empathetic sadness. the grey one is my friend. i’m like, who did THAT!? upon discovering puke on something, teacher goes, it was your friend. she cozies up to me ‘n shit. i like it. the other one, lady garbage, jury’s out on her. i mean, i like her skeletal frame come sacrifice when i pick her up but she looks like mangy cats i drunk cuddled in mexico riddled with fleas and eye snot. gross. ok this is not turning into animal blog again. not until i live on a farm at least.

hangover blogging looks like this. this was the art nude vision i had in mind when i first finally began topless photos on my blog, i was 19 (after having been blogging for two years). (an AMAZING network) was how it all went down, early adopters of cool type shit, taschen (back when publishing meant anything), digital diaries, also back in disinfo days (i know people who started these dinosaurs). this is the shit that really paved the way on le web. outsider counter-culture documentation. making underground mainstream, total uphill battle. yeah guys i am hella oldschool you do not even know. people who pre-date twitter who are and always will be cooler than you still exist, do exist. they clash with social media storming their scene to date, i see it all the time and field it quite a bit. it’s frustrating for me personally because i am one and the same, yet i gotta dip my toes in both worlds but i certainly pledge my allegiance to one side more than the other.

it’s sad how far we’ve apparently come (yet haven’t) and are still so conservative (in toronto, canada). i get so many snarky remarks, from my own fucking friends, frenemies rather, about my nudity or using my sexuality as a marketable tool. it’s tame if you ask me, but because i for some reason seem to be still the only one still doing it (yawnbusters) i still have the tarnish. so silly. they tell you to play nice and appease corporate and i have done nothing but go against the grain for, years. over a decade and we’re all on the same page right now. so you decide who to go with. the cult icon or the sprinkling of start-ups, green around the ears guys, yeah you may have come from another line or gig or fuck whatever, but, you are not a trailblazer here, not an originator. sorry. firstsies! lulz.

snarksico city!

oh god it’s a picnic that never ends.

look at that hair. good for it. say so long to that junky table it’s getting pitched. so sayeth the princess. help me decide on a new one on ikea’s site if you’re bored. not that i will listen. lisa says oval. i don’t want it too big to get in the way of dancing.

someone was pulling for a bumblebee outfit, the store owner was suggesting ladybug, but i liked raggedy anne best. it’s more disney-snow white like, princess innocent plus i saw a girl in a bee costume on halloween in burnoutington with black hair so it’s (bee) sullied now. this comes with a bonnet and red/white striped thigh highs. fuh-un. it’s a small and i’m wearing pants beneath it. go cleanse go.

waiting for teacher’s eye exam. fell in love with many pairs of expensive glasses.

haven’t washed hair since friday and i worked out this morning. shit holds up guy. dirtbag princess extraordinaire.

fave pair.

well, fave pair off the bat.


public butter is gonna make a lot of money off teacher if he insists on slum drunking it at the caddy all the time (they be naybes). his wallet’s funeral. eye’s delight though.


mmm i want cheese.

4 thoughts on “duhs heard round the world

  1. That Blonde hair. Those Red lips……… Go very nice with your/teachers new area rug.

    Your body is looking amazing BTW


  2. Definitely the Raggedy Anne outfit. Very cute but you need a red wig.

    you have that bedhead look with your hair now. You could always use that dry shampoo since you don’t like to wash it frequently.
    The other hairstyle which looked good on you as a teen was pulling your hair back slick in a ponytail with two stray hairs coming down the side of your face. Want to try that again?

    Those animals are use to your zaniness already. And the dog looks like hes hearding you now, especially when you are topless.

    Go to an allergist to see if you are allergic to cats. I am allergic to dog dander.

  3. mom it comes with a bonnet and socks do you not read my blog? and i dont have to use dry shampoo either and i still do the hairstyle you are talking about it’s just different now cos my hair texture is. can you stop giving me blog lists.

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