VOTE! my next tattoo should be
one chance only so choose wisely. maybe sleep on it. no just kidding. vote now!
in beautiful wispy cursive script. old worldy font.
ps dream dress! sigh. jesus christ sigh. goddamn right.
I think it should be raymi. minx is sort of generic? Like anyone could get that done but there’s only one raymi. I am torn between just raymi and raymitheminx.
I have been lusting on that dress since I first saw that video in like grade 7. I am pretty sure I wanted that to be my wedding dress at one point.
people consider raymi my real name so that would be branding my name on myself – megalomania. minx is apparently what i am. someone else has suggested getting a tattoo OF a minx. who knows. raymitheminx is my brand/brainchild/empire so it’d be that or minx. but raymi could look v pretty.
i want that dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111