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i just wasn’t meant to wear clothes

another present. this hello kitty thing is getting out of control now haha. once you have “a thing” it just takes over, that’s why some weirdos have like 300 trolls in their office cubicles people get obsessed with your collecting and think they’re helping when really the person is thinking you could take all those trolls and buy me a laptop instead. those are the telepathic messages i am sending out into the ether now.

still very precious to me. i better have a daughter, or a gay son for all the girly crap i have accumulated over the years.

went upstairs to scope out the roof to see how much ikea i can fit up there. it needs to be cleaned. do you think we can have everything cleaned and ready and assembled by friday? and by we i mean teacher because i am not doing a thing because i am exhausted and a lazy princess. i’m going to post a bunch of shots to embarrass and shame us into tidying we’ve been messier than usual lately.

it’s my goal to make this summer better than last year’s. i know it will be.

that table came with the deck cos they put it together up there and it won’t fit through the door, way to go genius. hmm. i’d like a big ass ottoman type cushioned thing in a corner spot. is it smarter to mix and match or buy an entire set? are you glad that date machine is dying a defiant slow death and this is turning into domestic molestic bliss now?

two loungers will fit here easily plus something else you could squish in, then some nice plants and white xmas lights it’ll look like a cruise ship.

mother’s day morning at my dad’s. i love hanging at my dad’s. hi dad!

what is up.

mystery camera is fun. i like, have no recollection of taking any of these then a few days later get to ply you with more redundancy. it’s a living.

like come on am i ever going to wear this outfit again now thanks to blog? no.

MORE. monster needs more.

quite pleased with myself here, happily stuffed from a great dinner.

see the lighter pink on my fingers now scroll back to the top, different shade of pink. melodie took my bottle of guava to paris with her, the other colour on my fingers seen here. it suits her more, on my just washes me out as well as makes my fingers look too tanned and dirty.

have been on a chianti kick for awhile. typically i do this until i’ve tried every single one at the lcbo worth buying, capping it off with a vintage or two then move on to the next kind of red which i think will likely be pinot noirs, maybe a baco or two as well if we have enough time. i am a wine snob.

my belt is twirled over. it’s the manchester in us that makes us highlight the negatives/flaws constantly. i hate it. like if you point out you’re tired looking in a photo then the viewer is like, oh, yeah, thank YOU for pointing that out. burn. maybe if you don’t mention it they won’t notice.

like, please ignore my middle finger. no way in hell you’re doing that now. yeah this bracelet is not for me, going to exchange it when teachy gets home. i’d wear this but not very frequently. i like stuff i’ll get more mileage from. i am spoiled and i know i deserve it.

mel and i vibed out this hipster photo shoot, they cut it wicked short. my zoom-ins were all of the ground and the brick wall, here is a closer look. i’ve seen the long haired around town, mel’s like, yeah i think i know a girl who f–ed him. awesome. i also captured the airplane.

they saw us watching when mel approached, we should have stared down at them from the roof for ultra awkward. hipsters vibing out hipsters. never-ending and no we cannot all get along. unfortunately.

they got into their separate vehicles and drove off. so curious where to?

if you’re too lazy to get off the couch to stretch or perform any sort of exercise, do it on the couch then. here i’m not actually doing anything though.

what a dump.

this looks like it was survivor night, yup it was. today is also survivor night. i am friends with tv again. just in time for oprah to pack’er in no!!!!

uhhhhh oh yeah i was hugging the cat. well, surrounding her like a cave trap. she loves me and purrs instantly when i cuddle her like no one has bothered to in 13 years. she is nameless. sometimes called barfer. the other one is called garbage cat (she came from the garbage and looks like it ahahahahaha) but the latest name for her is LADY GARBAGE. ahahaha i am losing my mind from my period i think or this is just how i am now at 28. great!

i haven’t done laundry in so long when will i ever get to wear those pants again? i just visited the tickle trunk. more like the tickle DUMP but anyway, yeah, i have a lot of spring ceaning in my future and trinkets to get rid of. i am going to take it all to bellwoods and lay it on a blanket and lie there like a lazy hippie until it’s all gone. i’ll let you know what that day is, you should bring all your junk too and then we can build a junk landscape overtaking the park it would be amazing.

hot mess. you could see some of his nicorette patch and the messy apple cables plus cat scratch marks yeah it’s time we cleaned up our acts.

my floor sock balls make me laugh. there is no doubt that i have been in a place cos all of my discarded clothings are left exactly where i left them, shoes taken off so fast it looks like a person dematerialized into thin air hours later go back and the shoes have not moved. i picked up bad habits from melucas. i hope mel is having an awesome time in paris right now i’m jealous. or jalouse.

i am even skinnier than this today. i can’t shake my cough i hope i’m not sick again i’ve felt nauseous all day. right now i’m drinking gingerale and veg broth and pretending i am fasting still, and living in a forest where they drink broth of leaves and branches.

that’s lady garbage on the right ahhahaa maybe she should get her act together too. sometimes i catch them being lesbians.

even though it’s cruel to de-claw cats, think her life would improve for the better as she’d get more hugs and cuddles from me, which is probably selfish of me (definitely) but ultimately no it’s not, if a cat wants to be hugged maybe it should take into consideration other people’s feelings of not wanting to be stabbed by razor snake teeth sharp claws. who is the cruel one now? ok i think i have bored myself sufficiently enough for the time being now i will go make myself useful elsewhere like on my mom’s facebook wall.

bye-o bye-o sky-o sky-o.

2 thoughts on “i just wasn’t meant to wear clothes

  1. I don’t trust those two shady guys in the corner of the house. They look as if they want to sell you some gnome drugs. “Drugs: Just Say, “Yo!””

  2. “domestic molestic bliss”–ah ha, I like that. you should definitely get some plants on that back patio, STAT! have your own little tropical paradise.

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