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you and me and the devil makes three

costume time. i mean, outfits time! lisa’s like THESE ARE MY ACTUAL CLOTHES.

that tree behind me is pret-ty dope, all ewoks-high and shit plus that treehouse looking back stairs, sigh. why can’t we all live in an ewok-world?

the hummus was delicious.

i will be teaching a business class today wearing this. i’m goin’ miss smith on ‘em. ya right no way as if i have the nards to wear that i’ve been to this school i know what i’m signing up for. when i used to do presentations (all the time cos i’m a talker and the nervous teacher would let me take over for her) it wouldn’t take long until i was abusively snapping back at all the general kids (business wasn’t offered as an advanced course in grade ten or there was some reason why i didn’t take it and chose the business for dummies credit, i figured out a loophole) talking during my shitty presentation. this one kid had it coming though, when the bell rang i casually sauntered over to my brother, before turning over my shoulder in class to ***** and saying, you’re f–d now and meant it too. my brother made him kneel in the snow in front of everybody out front smoking and apologize to me. nobody screws with the whites. this was back in bully times and this kid antagonized all the nerds and i was sick of defending them so i decided he needed a lesson. in short, today i will not loose my cool if someone talks over me i’ll just be like, yeah i’d like fries with that thanks.

the teacher said that to one of his students, he’s like, one day in the future you’re going to ask me a question and the answer to that question is, yes, i would like fries with that. now the guy is a top student of his ha. nice.

i realized if you’re an adult in the city you need a balcony or some kind of rooftop in order not to go mental and bitter forever. vive le spoilings.

someone was showing off large time in their pink pants. she matched her throw and painting. i liked it a lot. matching surroundings is one of my favourite past times. THEME WEAR OMG THRILL ME! like, obviously i am going to dress like every educational cliche in the book today or fast times at ridgemont high, drew barrymore in never been kissed hahaha endless possibilities. outfit comes first, lecture, secondary. yeah yeah kids what? advertising, influence, e-commerce, huh? shh not important, look at the sparkly pink dress i wore to this event once SHHHH LISTEN TO ME!

this was lisa’s sister’s dress in grade eight. fits me perfectly. weird? normal.

band album art.

last night was fun. hope you enjoyed being confused by it in photos. lisa made us hummus and a beautiful salad, we brought a dufflet cake. i am classy like that. invite me over and i will bring something high-tea appropes. ok here are some more pics now.

look at my nails. have to redo them before i go, don’t want kids seeing anything less than perfection. i haven’t totally prepared anything to say yet i’m just going to walk in there and be like this school prepared me for life so pay attention shitheads. nah i’ma walk in like this.

catwoman don’t take no crap.

please listen to me otherwise you will not get a chocolate bar.

hahah very nice now please sit down.

NOW look whatcha made me do i put on my leather jacket. y’all f-d now. next i’m sitting down and putting my COWBOY BOOTS UP ON THE DESK SO YOU KNOW I MEAN BUSINESS. (i couldn’t find that picture).

no, i’ll dress classic event raymi. cool, chic, different.

replete with rat tail. i sweat like mad in my sleep so that’s what’s up right now i’m not gonna tracey quaf it then i’ll have to start makeup base all over again and i’ll look like a pumpkin. orange county pumpkin. oranges and pumpkins. that’s a good fall cocktail.

my first hamburger in weeks. i ate it like a raccoon. my ex’s ex is the first one to ever take note of the interesting way i eat. i’m passionate to say the least, in every thing that i do. you should see me brush my teeth.

meanwhile in teacher town. snore. people’s animals and their tidy plates will give you insight as to who you are dealing with.

want this piece.

i can tell the burger artist has personality I MUST MEET HIM.

the sun was in my eyes and i have camel toe. i ran out of underwear. i am living like a child of divorce, my stuff is everywhere and it’s driving me crazy again.

ten minutes later this place was slammed. prior to it, the patio was the only favoured spot. supper time was upon us. we ate then drove to burnoutington.

i like a nice skunky beer when i’m hung. but now i like kronenburg more, stella skunked me right out. i don’t typically drink beer, a tidbit of which culminated in a blitzkrieg when i visited t-bay, drankin’ my white wine spritzers and shit out of the back of a car. i got in many fights picked with me, which i took on for toronto’s honour. next time i’ll punch someone and go YOU GOT G20’D BITCH don’t f- with people from toronto! (stole that joke from evan) can’t wait to see you again steffy!

i am nervous. maybe i’ll just keep drinking and smoking and smoking and drinking that will solve everything then jump out of the window even though it’s on the ground floor like the lion when the wizard spooks him.

i just opened my email for some reason but forget why i did that. does that happen to you?


for some reason i screen-grabbed my cameos in the beauties video. i’m all over that shit.


classy friday night.

this is called the money hat. it was skeefy’s. long boring story.

derek’s. awesome. i need to play this game.

oh this just reminded me i need to email that girl re: sleigh bells. i am taking a herd there. when i arrived to derek’s first not one of my PBC were there yet so i was han solo. i brought a bottle of jameson’s for derek because i am classy, left it in the freezer. he texted thanking me for coming but i didn’t reply i’m pissed at his tall asshole friend who looks like my old shrink, he left before me and i wanted to split a cab in the scary unfamiliar junction.

neat place. like fort knox getting in.

jerk chicken special at my fave shitty date bar.

baby’s back on eating and is being very careful.

wasabi ketchup yum. chick pea dipper things.

clever facade piques the curiosity of passer’s by always.

someone was maje pumped to be eating again.

someone was basking in the non-bitchy glow.

strong dranks.

getting princessier. you would barf if you were privy to behind-the-scenes action. it is reality tv worthy. maybe we should film redecorating the rooftop, i might need to get a switch of some sort and a pointing wand. yes, i need a wand. several.


bald guy outside of the motion room. it’s raining dude and you are bald, what’s the point?

brilliant then. this is a prime example of not giving a fuck.

hahee not my penmanship. you shoulda seen the one i got the first week, it had a key attached to it. i texted a photo to all my friends AHHH LOOK WHAT IS GOING ONNNN!

i look like i am wearing a weird wig. ok i am appropriately freaking out i have to go prepare something now.

here’s ANOTHER music video i am in at the dakota tavern (i am more hipster than you)(omg no i am not a hipster)(haha). v briefly though, wayne gretzky’s dad is in it!

can you spot the brunette raymi? i am wearing this (humiliating video).

One thought on “you and me and the devil makes three

  1. Yes I want that piece
    Also that large floral Bella bag, & fur vest

    I have orange top , opal earrings etc. for you

    sometimes I get told I have a pfeiffer face in certain looks

    Hope your presentation went well

    by the way, if you added black ears to your head you’d make a cute minimouse in that dress

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