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i’ve always wanted to be a rock star. this is my band.

here’s some content stock. this dude sent me questions for some piece he’s working on, women who blog in GTA, was sent to a couple other blogger chicks too and for some reason they forwarded me their responses as well to him before i had a chance to answer for myself, keeners. i do not work this way, so i didn’t read their responses, well i skimmed, and was annoyed (i do not like pre-influence from people who have been blogging for less a time than myself, it’s like my mom telling me about facebook). so without further ado, here is the headspace i was in many weeks ago:

How long have you been blogging and what is your blog called?

Ten years. I’ve been blogging for ten years.

Do you make money off your blog if so how?

Absolutely, it’s my prime source of income. I’m a full time blogger workaholic psychopath. whups i forgot to expand on this part. if so how? ugh annoying. companies spend zillions trying to figure out how to crack the internet money making code and i’m supposed to just reveal my secrets (that aren’t so secret) or summarize ten years for you? i am too bitchy to expand upon this right now also i think the answers should be obvious as they were to me ten fucking years ago when i started this stupid fucking blog and why nobody else seems to be able to surmise it on their own just makes me unbelievably bonkers like i wanna do a symposium and when it’s my turn to speak just roll my eyes at the audience and call them idiots. woah rageahol. told you.

What sorts of clientele do you attract via your online persona?

High end, wary of me corporate-types. Cool hip elite degenerates. Creative young impressionable artists. Socialite, literary celebrities, musicians, actors, scenesters, admirers, haters, little raymis, perverts, trolls. Split even female/male audience, tipped in the favour of females, ideal target market.

How do you feel about terms like “blogosphere” and “new media” and “social media”?

I feel like, duh, what’s your point? Because I’ve been around for so long, I feel that others have been asleep at the wheel, which is why I have affected this chip on my persona’s shoulder. I’m proud and psyched about the next whatever direction it’s all going to take. Psyched for the future, I mean that honestly. This decade dot com era has a kinetic energy and I have a huge invested personal stake, it’s exciting.

With blogs exploding over the last 3-4 years in Toronto alone, do you feel any sense of duty or legitimacy since you have been doing it longer (this might not apply to all of you if this is the case please don’t feel bad or get mad).

I think it’s great. I like being a blog grandmother. I like that I was in the right place at the right time. And I like that I have the right makeup; equal parts creative and business savvy with stubborn determination. The more blogs that sprout up, the more I excel, as they inspire me and force me to ride the crest of the tidalwave. I always wanted to be a rock star, so this is my band.

Some blogs are getting funding now, like Steel Bananas and Joyland and other things like that. What do you think of this Government financial intervention?

This is the first news of that to me. I am an independent contractor, and like any other operating business, say, Stan’s Grocery or Mary’s Marmalades, that’s them, this is me, and I have a drive to make money, publish a book, and expand. Great, cool. This country has money for its art, and more people should be making art. If it takes federal funding to make that happen, so be it.

there’s a bonus question i’m working on now. time to get pretentious! just walked the dog and now she is in love with me again.

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