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pigtails day

worst. sleep. ever. staying in and www-ing it to be “good” actually makes me stay up later. my mind goes all racy thinking about emails and stuff to do write ugh aghhhhh.

and i’m not supposed to have coffee before my tests this morning but whatever i don’t think it will make any difference really. i am wearing my new turbo outfit like a keener.

ok wish me luck hope i don’t black out byeeeeee.

9 thoughts on “pigtails day

  1. good luck today..I spent the first day with my trainer yesterday and I cant lift my arms above my should get one of those lime colored tights with the pink leg warmers lol

  2. regarding your previous and this post.

    you ROCK for not settling, a testament and reminder for all of us, you’re right it would be a stupid thing to let any old person into the sort of empire you have created for yourself. you have too much going for you now and you have worked too hard for it to let any old person in. so many times i settle and its such a long winded waste of time, it obviously never works out in the end and all that time you could have spent meeting the right person or at the very least working on yourself, for when you finally do meet that person. also i feel you on being able to appreciate your friends more when you are single/realizing how much you need them in your life.

    i would have to disagree with what you said about people making lots of art and being wacky due to singledom, i find my creativity and wackiness is usually a factor in all my relationships, not something that comes from not having one.

    i love those lulu pants, makes me want to work out.

    and lastly, you look great in these photos. love the double hair tone on the first one.

  3. technically those are pony tails. Pig tails are braided no?

    Has to do with how the actual beast is questions tail looks. A pony’s tail is long and bushy, while a pig tail is small and tin and twisty.

    Hope you’re doing well no matter what animal’s tail you’re sporting Raym’s….


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