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the sharon stoned chronicles

21 thoughts on “the sharon stoned chronicles

  1. I’m sure someone else will tell you this, but I kind of feel like airing all this out publicly will make this dude even crazier. Having said that, it was pretty interesting. Easily the longest internet-related thing I’ve read in its entirety all day.

  2. that’s really disappointing to hear a fan treat you like that. I’ve read your blog for about six years now, and I have especially loved/related to it the last year in particular. I hope your party is a riot and goes smoothly. thanks for the blogging :)

  3. im being slammed on another website so i wanted to clear it up. was going to file it away for a rainy day but felt like no time like the present. i am overwhelmed by this at the moment to be honest. he’s threatening to wrote his half (he has no story to tell) also slandered me saying i had a breakdown while there. BOLD FACE LIE. he brought this on himself. he is lucky i am leaving his name out of this and everything really he should be the one backing the fuck off. i’m talking with a cop right now about this.

  4. Ok girl, you need to get your shit together! I know you said it the other day in a blog post that you’re going away after your party so make sure you do!! Take that perky ass somewhere, just yourself, and have a real vacation dood. Before u snap and we lose Raymi to a mental breakdown hey! Bummed I’m gonna miss the party next week but that’s life.

  5. my shit IS together. i have non-stop business to attend to. the show must go on. fuck these people i am sickened by them. it always goes down exactly the same way online for me, it is disgusting.

  6. i am completely speechless to the comments you are receiving on that article. i actually feel sick after reading them, and how unstable that guy is for threatening you with the law? I am so sorry you have to put up with that. what in the fuck is wrong with people, if they dont like you, stop fucking looking at your blog and things you post.. that is disgusting. Remember you do have fans that are half fucking normal and that love you heaps. poor girl.

  7. oh my god gosh christ. How the hell did you manage to not tell anyone about this when it was happening is the craziest part. One word and I bet an army would come down for a rescue raymi op. Poor thing.

  8. Yes, ok, Raymi the Business has her shut together. That’s not what I meant and I’m sorry I wasnt clear. All I am saying is take some time off for yourself, only for yourself and no one else, if you are able/willing. In the end you’ll figure it all out like you always do. Peace Raymi, you’re awesome and we all <3 you.

  9. I’m sorry you have to deal with such shit people. But it’s easier to deal with them than to be them. I couldn’t imagine being that miserable and disgusting. Don’t ever stop.

  10. SHRIMP AND COFFEE! This combination of food and beverage is definitely a sign of a person with very poor judgment. I’m glad you got out of that situation in one piece, though the suspense I experienced while reading the account of the trip was pretty thrilling. Obviously you made it out ok since you were able to retell it to your readership but I wasn’t sure just how psycho the antihero was going to get. It was a relief to make it to the end of the story to and find out you didn’t have to dodge a psychotic knife-wielding maniac to make it out alive.

  11. I wish you the best Lauren, I look forward to your book being published. However should you attempt to hurt me . . . I have civil and criminal offences I will be filing. You do not want to go there . . . and I am an honest to superior Buddhist . . . I only wish the best for you.

    With a small part of my heart’s love,

    You Know Who.

  12. i have kept you anonymous and now you are harassing me on top of slandering me. if i released your identity i would be completely within my rights to do so i have not committed one crime here. all you are doing is further implicating yourself by dragging this out further and proving how unsound you really are. do not ever contact me again.

  13. Canadian Criminal Code 264.1

    I have backup documentation

    and my lawyers want me to press charges / commence a lawsuit.

    If you back down I will.

    Scout’s Honour.

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