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Bring me champagne flutes Rose and some shots over I think better when I’m not sober

Any guesses a to whom I went on this date with? He’s on tv. Still.

mega stressed. though, getting through it and feel better. hired an assistant so i can be less bridezilla. FATM with skidfanie tonite and like 20 other friends who are all going. my brains are fried.

18 thoughts on “Bring me champagne flutes Rose and some shots over I think better when I’m not sober

  1. yikes! sorry to hear you had to deal w/ that creepo. i’ve met a lot of people off of the internet and for the most part it’s always gone well. this is a good reminder to do a little more homework! it’s just scary-creepy to think of.

  2. Um…Raymi, I totally read the “I got stalked” but and that sounds crazy insane….I recommend never doing anything like that again… I was officially scared for you.

  3. I was wondering the same thing about your friends. I assume they broke up. My condolences if true. I’m sure they’re going through a very hard time.

  4. Love the pictures today.
    Awesome how a boring picture with a few filters applied is instantly interesting and cool.
    Not that you’ve ever taken a boring picture, jes sayin.

  5. love the shirt sexiest one yet. (except of course the non-shirt ones!)
    your blog is addictive, i am not even its meant for people like me! lol
    good stuff

  6. i still find it strange that people write huge paragraphs on how much they hate you. like seriously… whyyyyy. and you know they’ll just keep coming back to look at your site anyway.

  7. I have done everything in my power to get Sebastian / Gavin to remove the article. My lawyers will be helping with this tomorrow. I think your Lawyers should do the same thing. We both have too much to lose and we are both talented people who deserve to live off our creativity.

    Please delete this . . . I know you moderate your comments before posting them.

  8. keep building a case. SC are experts at being sued. good luck. do not contact me ever again if you make me waste more of my time on this shit i WILL reveal your identity you are on my last nerve and your last (undeserved) chance. move on with your life.

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