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i got a stone where my heart should be i got a stone where my heart should be and nothing i do will make you love me

wasn’t really planning to review the show last nite but a few snarky tweets made me change my mind. now i know gorillaz has a stigma attached, cos they’re so mega and there’s that thing one of the gallagher brothers said about damon albarn being a bandwagon jumper when he started gorillaz (sour grapes liam) but anyway in this situation when it comes to blur and well, gorillaz, your opinion means less than shit to me. i love this band. LOVE. i don’t care about any partial thought, barely formed, in relation to any and all things gorillaz and/or blur because. you, are, wrong. period. i’m not even saying it to fight i’m just saving your breath and my time.

that shit was soul cleansing and life changing i always sound like a gay drunk hippie when i actually enjoy myself cos i’m so used to being miserable and bored usually, easily. impress me and i’ll give you a beejer.

i danced my brains out.

i was really inspired too actually. i have been a blur fan since i was in grade 7. more so than gill. i have a boatload of useless blur trivia taking up invaluable space in my cerebral cortex. did you like how i called myself stupid in a smart way there? anyway, damon albarn is undeniably gorgeous. i have pined for that man like you wouldn’t fucking believe. studied his mannerisms, maybe even emulated a few. my nickname in school was bluren. i know. go to town. the point is, he’s so fucking good looking but does he ever make mention of it?

no, i don’t think that he does and he’s got every reason to hold that over the gallagher brothers’ (whom i’d also lay in a heartbeat) jealous/rivalry. he just focuses on his art, his music, and that’s what makes him untouchable and on top. leaves the ego out of it. that’s what inspired me. i’m going to stop acting like king shit from here on in now basically. well, i’ll at least try.

left camera at home these are all shitty bb photos. the nite was for me and dancing. once i saw the first visual projected like something straight out of final fantasy my heart melted and i was so happy. such pure escapism the entire show all of it from start to finish. a billion thumbs up from my biased opinion.

they had a brass band and tons of singers. it was beautiful. i’d d/l plastic beach if i was you. best album to date. every song i love, is danceable, drag raceable, get highable.

this song was the best of the night, halfway through little dragon comes out and the song gets good. she was wearing a silver disco jacket it sparkled amazingly and she danced how i dance. i went bananas.

thanks for hooking that up gillian!

ginger you look retarded. i look wicked though.

9 thoughts on “i got a stone where my heart should be i got a stone where my heart should be and nothing i do will make you love me

  1. Re: Blur. Damon was a such a dreamboat, he’s still pretty cute but Alex James has turned into a mega fox.


    I have been in a vortex of life’s bs and didn’t even know they were playing in TO :(

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