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raymi from the blog

so hung. no more drinking. tonite is bowling. becoming something of a small town heroine. coming away with quite the story. a book is coming as i’m writing a book. what if i stopped blogging and just wrote books? i think i’d go insane. just wiped a ton of great pics off my camera. sad face. how do i recover? just as well as i should be working right now. i am pickled. was told not to wear hammer pants last nite as “people would make fun of me” meanwhile i looked awesome.

5 thoughts on “raymi from the blog

  1. You did/do look awesome, you are a hero, stay away from drama and just get shit done. Make no mistake you are cared for, and people care about what you do and what decisions you make… Go Hard.

  2. Hey Dude,
    I just wanted to tell you you’re awesome. I know I certainly don’t hear this enough in my daily life from people I care about, respect and adore. However, I am making a conscious effort to personally tell people I respect that they have a special spot in my life. No matter how trivial (I read your blog…in the grand scheme of things **no offense to you** it’s pretty trivial in my life). You have no idea how your life has helped me cope with mine. Depression, anxiety, relationship ups and downs, it seems like this is more of the norm for people our age than not. Sad.
    Regardless, you are truly a great example of someone who (scarily) shares her experiences and helps others just by being exposed. 27 is a fuckin hard age right now.
    I wish I had your balls.
    xo. Natalia

  3. Hi Raymi…….always like to read your blog…..but I’m shocked…..what are you doing in Deep River ???…… I couldn’t believe my eyes when I came across the unmistakable pictures of the laurentian mountains on the Quebec side, or Fleury’s Value mart!!…anyways enjoy the Deep! My brother has lived there for 30 years and I have visited many times…. It’s a great place to visit !!! Wishing you success , Rick

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