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love letters

I read some of your “writings” on the internet. You’re right at the top of the list of being DISGUSTING. You should apologize to your mother……..for being born. NASTY NASTY NASTY!


your hair looks fucking ridiculous.


You are conceited in your posts, more so than lately. I know you think you’re all that, but really, you’re not gorgeous enough to be so so self-centred. You’re what my friends and I call “fake pretty.” You’re one of those girls who dyes her hair platinum, and you get attention because of that, but you’re a butter face.

wow you sounded super desperate to hurt my feelings. that’s sad. your grammar is atrocious “more so than lately”??? how can something be more so than something that has already happened you sound like a fucking idiot and i get a ton of attention no matter my hair colour but if it’s fake pretty to you it’s still pretty all the same and too bad there is more to life than being beautiful. luckily i am blessed in so many other ways to be jealous of i bet you command zero attention in a room. your fault darling.


Good Afternoon,

My name is ****** and I’m part of the Promotions Team here at http://www.********.com . We have been seeking out high quality websites and blogs, gauging interest in doing a giveaway with one of our sites.
We love the look and feel of your blog and think that your US and Canadian readers might be interested in a giveaway with our sites http://www.********.com, http://www.******.com, http://www.*********.com or http://www.*******.com.
Have a look at a couple of our sites and let me know if you think that this might be something you’d be interested in. Perhaps we could give away a selection of our kitchen decor and gadgets or cooking and baking products . I’d be happy to brainstorm some other ideas with you if you’re interested. Alternatively you could do a review of something from our site.
Please let me know if you have any questions for me. I hope to hear from you to further discuss the details of the giveaway.
Kind Regards,

Sure totally game. I don’t promote anything for free fyi.

Thanks raymi

Hi Raymi,

Thanks for getting back to me! I am so glad you are interested in doing a review or giveaway with us, here are the details.

For a giveaway all you would have to do is write up the post with a keyword (I will let you know what it is) and pick a winner! Then you just send me their info, and I will place the order to be shipped to them. It’s a great way to generate buzz about your site and gain new followers as well as increase traffic, especially when you ask other bloggers to post about it! no way thank you so much for helping me and caring about MY traffic you peon! i don’t need your shitty little traffic and i don’t want it, this has zero way of paying off for me only an idiot would bite at this offer.

If you would like to receive something, than you may do a review of one of our products instead. The product or products for $125 that I can offer you from our stores would be the compensation I can offer you at this time. read: we want it all and we expect it for free here is some useless shit you didn’t ask for as payment. Please note that this promotion would be available to you once every 30 days. please link all our websites again in a month so we can milk the hell out of this whilst compromising more of your integrity you get nothing out of this exchange you fucking idiot. All I would require is a teaser post about the upcoming review including a keyword link (I will forward it to you later if you choose to participate). oh ya will, will ya? gee thanks! no i will not on top of this slimy game show thing insert key words what does that even mean? ugh no deal.

Please feel free to look on our site, www.*******.com for an item within the $125 range (including shipping) to get a better understanding of some of the products that we offer. you are out of your fucking mind Additionally we have over 200 different websites, of couuuuurse you do that you can also pick an item out within that price range. Some of these are www.******.com , www.*******.com www.******.com www.*********.com and many more! no thank you!

To see a list of all of our 200+ sites which products are available for this promotion please visit: http://www.***********

Once you have a good feel for what you would like to show your readers, we can set up a review or giveaway for a promotional gift card for $125 that is good on any product on any site! Please know that if you choose a giveaway only US and Canadian readers will be eligible to participate.

Thanks again for responding to me, I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Warm Regards,


now after wasting more of my time after i implicitly said I DO NOT PROMOTE ANYTHING FOR FREE she tries to offer me pots and pans as payment and then tries to boss my ass around about all this stupid crap. nuh-uh. my reply: Sorry I don’t do anything for free.

her reply:

Would you be interested in a sidebar text link for $200 for 12 months or $125 for one post with our keyword that will be archived for $125 paid via paypal?

my reply:

200 for a month (alone) would be generous of me. (but 12 months at 200 dollars is bullshit). Sorry way way below my rate. aaaaand no reply.

i realize now upon reading this i’d accept 125 for that key insertion but she mentioned paypal which is a headache and will waste more of my time volleying emails back and forth. i bet if i said yes but you have to pay up front she’d balk and demand link goes up first to which i’d tell her to get fucked. this is how we do business over at raymicom. so much work for so little, not my thing. yeah if someone out there actually needed or wanted cookware i’d do that maybe five winners? it has to be worth it for all of us but these a-holes want to milk me and pay me in cookware short of that make me hound them for money. not professional or serious at all. if you want to seriously make use of your money with me you give me the product that actually makes sense for me that i might actually buy anyway and is believable, you give me more of that product so i can spread it around and then you pay me on top of that which encourages and inspires me to go to work.

and scene.

19 thoughts on “love letters

  1. one of the sites I’ve talked to about advertising probably gets the same # of unique visitors as you and they charge $8 a click :)

  2. Something that might be an awesome idea for you…

    I read that as Dooce gets a fair amount of hate mail she dedicated a sub-page of her site to posting the horrible emails/comments/messages and then filled the page with advertising!

    I’m sure there’s nothing more annoying for a hateful idiot than finding out they are making you money.

    I say go for it and turn those frowns into pounds! (That was intentional cheese) ^_-

  3. i love your replies to your haters. that bitch needs to eat a big juicy.

    “The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.” ~William Penn

  4. Idiots, for the simple fact that they’ve bothered at all with something so disgusting and below them. Like what the fuck are they doing here in the first place?…is the rocket science site down for maintenance this week?

    There’s a great concept in life called move on. I love negative prissfucks.

    Your mother would likely kick them in the crotch for being rude and obnoxious.

    I’ll do it for her.

  5. well as your PR guy i’d have to advise you that “moreso than lately” does check out grammatically and that you meant to say endscene instead of and scene

    you don’t have to approve-comment this, i’m just givin you a heads-up.

  6. Mmmmm…… I certainly endorse your feelings and I get as mad at mindless faceless marketing strategies!
    On the other hand I reALLY respond to a personal email, where someone has shown genuine interest!

    (this is a subliminal punt to get all the hotties to mail me!)


  7. Mmmmm…… I certainly endorse your feelings and I get as mad at mindless faceless marketing strategies!
    On the other hand I reALLY respond to a personal email, where someone has shown genuine interest!

    (this is a subliminal punt to get all the hotties to mail me!)


    apologies for commenting twice – error in the first message details

  8. So you’ve worked for years to get your blog to where it is, in return they feel paying you $16 a month goes above and beyond the call.
    She’s probably bad mouthing you to co-workers now wondering who you are to turn down generous money.
    Prob not, sure they’re used to it.

  9. closing comments on this post cos the .com in the post is drawing too much spam i dont have the time or patience for it if yoy have anything to say about this post you can do so on the post below or the post coming up. ryan thanks for your corrections.

    actually i just removed trackbacks/pingbacks maybe that will be sufficient

  10. Man, they really put it on you hard. You seem to be able to let that shit roll right off your back, but do you ever want to get the Jay and Silent Bob route and just find all these fuckers and give them a good ass-woopin? Maybe thats just the soldier in me, but it seems these people are only able to say these things about you because their no where near you. Keep up the good work, still lovin the blog.

  11. Bitches! I love your platnium hair, it makes you look like my Golden Retriever, Sadie. I hope your aren’t insulted by that…I mean it as a compliment. I love Sadie, and I think she’s so cute! I have another Golden named Roxy, she looks like Taylor Swift. xo

  12. I admire your thick skin. I wish I had that, I let people get to me. Not that I get hate mail, mind you, but still :).

    People who send nasty emails to strangers are probably the most passive aggressive, wimpy people in real life. The ones who take their boss’s shit and never learned to be assertive, so this is their chance to vent…at someone they don’t know, but know they don’t like because they are successful, and confident, and hot.

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