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who loves you baby? raymi.

it’s worth a shot. go here click best blog, go to the blank space and type in as your answer please please thank you! this is an actual blog so it should win. just saying.

also my ten year blog anniversary party will be at wrong bar. i want to give you gift bags loaded with ridiculous shit. i am going to bust my ass to make that happen and i am going to do it all in exchange for cool branding/advertising. i want prizes too. i also want a laptop for myself so someone should just give me one to whore out already jesus. there will be bands there will be raffles there will be music. fuck i might even have it catered you cheapskates. it’s going to be big. i’m going to auction off art and give the money to charity i know right so generous. which cause i don’t fucking know, stupid kids who don’t know how to read very good?

it’s pretty much guaranteed i will have an anxiety attack about the time this happens. come watch! late november don’t forget. date to be confirmed.

7 thoughts on “who loves you baby? raymi.

  1. Aw… I was at The Wrong Bar for the first time when I was in Toronto for Fan Expo (no I’m not a crazy nerd, it’s my business) I wish I could get out of Winnipeg to come check out your party – I’m sure it will be wonderful! xx

  2. I don’t know your blog, but I voted for you because Skippy Stalin told me to, and I always do what Skippy says. Its because I’m way to lazy to think for myself.

    Good luck, hope the party rocks.

  3. Obviously, as a man, I’m not at all shallow, twisted, and sexually frustrated. So I’m voting for your blog because of the depth and emotional range of your writing, and not at all because you’re happy to get yoor baps oot f’the lads.

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