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Ah, she likes to travel around She’ll love you but she’ll put you down Now people let me put you wise Sue goes out with other guys

friends, meet aladdin mc hammer pants. pants, meet friends. these are not great photo posing pants well maybe if i did a reel like a flip book a succession of shots down the page of me gradually doing a tai chi movement holy gaaaaaaaay.

dating is killing me. holy shit. like the “nite’s off” when i’m not eating pork terrine stuffed mussels rabbit whatever obnoxious shit bring it on i have to stay in i think otherwise i’m out on a date eating Pâté and other ludicrous shit and tons of champagne wine martinis this excessive lifestyle is doing a number but then how do i have a life when your life becomes your working life does that make sense? when you are a walking living breathing reviewing machine there is never a time off. so i left my camera at home last nite.

i am totally going to be insane the next few days aunt flo is on the doorstep i feel like a fucking cow i’ve broken out so bloated and i have to somehow suck it all in for stripper exercise classes and more high-end cuisine. i am chugging water and nothing but until my next meal. ok water and espresso.

i have no idea how to put a duvet on by myself (especially not whilst in a prosecco tequila cava martini malbec weed cyclone) well i know how i just can’t do it it’s like my one thing i pretend i can’t do because i haaaaaate doing it i will make lucas do it when he gets home. i didn’t want to drink that much but date insisted we were totally pissing contest all over the place he was like you look like you can drink i said oh yeah i can put ‘em away we have a shot i drink it nice and slow and casual no problem he had a little issue with his. i was the man. drew barrymore in charlies angels two pounding shots in that blizzardy lodge with a ruskie. he challenged me, i never back down. we did another shot later on at venue two. after watching people pound shots for eight months and serving people said shots and maybe doing some at the bar i dunno, not feeling drinking or shots, not that kind of person. challenge me and i will accept. i am very competitive.

so i slept duvet cover-less is the moral of that last caption.

stop hammer time.

that was my first time hanging out in the four seasons bar. i will not exhaust you with all the opinions i have on the place nor the clientele. date is like you got a big chip on your shoulder. yes i do. and i’m very emotional. hahaha. he said that some people in there “got something to show” that being money. i demanded to pay because the pissing contest stakes were raised so high, he got the tab at panorama but my bill was bigger and of course i tipped huge i came back from the atm with a stack of money totally gunned and was grinning like a warlock my way thru the bar and all the hot money men looking at me date asks why i was smiling you know you just get a thought to yourself and you can’t stop finding it hilarious even though it’s not really. i think i was just mentally assuaging the money guilt i felt instantly upon extracting such a huge amount from the machine so i told myself to relax i get everything for free it’s fine it’s ok to spend money just enjoy it. money makes people crazy eh?

hotel ground zero inflated prices also makes you crazy. then you’re like whatever i’m already here halfway deep may as well keep going.

this is exactly like a daquiri except martini sized and 18 dollars and takes you two seconds to guzzle.

edamame and charcuterie.

i look like ugh i don’t even know anymore i hate how i look right now.

see what i mean about the pants? i didn’t vamp because it was earlier on in the date and i could tell he already had his back up about my blogging and everything but they can actually be pretty sleek and make the small of my back look wild.

guy wouldn’t let me play restaurant critic either. fine fine i wasn’t even planning on it but then i was like wait, why not? everything was good, happy? the end. we also went for chinese for last call and that’s the part i regret even though it was so. good. we ate eleven things. courses. date’s mind was blown by that excess. i am meeting a lot of control freak men lately, restricting themselves during the week. guess i have to start doing that too. i try and usually have a string of really healthy meals or no meals between rich meals and then punish myself at the gym. do you want to trade lives for a week? nahh i can’t stand offices or be anywhere close to responsible enough for a 9-5 that’s why i started blogging.

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