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we interrupt this blog post for a special news bulletin

my body is finally starting to look hot again! good news men! now i don’t have to join eharmony! and i might start actually being nice again and crying less! which is why i started pof to begin with and only checked on fat days! i can’t stop yelling! ok i’ll go work out some more now! have you tried doritos cheeseburger chips yet? they taste exactly like a whopper! you can taste the relish and the ketchup! i couldn’t sleep last nite so i’m hyped-up overcompensating because of it. my period is late as hell i think it’s finally coming today, i think working out confused my cycle as well as my iud? stress? depression? i work this afternoon i wonder if working out before work is a dumb idea? i still weigh more than i want to but muscle weighs more anyway also a nutritionist pill wizard hippie guy told me you have to build muscle to burn fat so i have to remember that instead of obsessing over the scale. i’m chalking weight gain up to the summer heat destroying my metabolism and soul.

watched cop out (tracy morgan/bruce willis) at ginger’s then shutter island. didn’t make it to the end of shutter island so don’t tell me what happens. cop out is hilarious and stupid and bad and good you gotta see it. tracy morgan pretty much ad libs the entire film. it’s essentially a 30 rock episode in movie-form with bruce willis trying not to laugh. stiffler’s in it and he’s fuckin’ great too.

zero sleep face. zero hanky panky face too. i have never been so celibate. well i have but you know.

ugh the rest of my photos aren’t uploading right now so FT. will sweat across city now. apparently it feels like 38 out there? part of why i couldn’t sleep last nite was cos i had a super tan during the day and i could feel it setting in to my skin, made the sheets feel like hot comforters from hell. i said to the tan chick in my fave lilitaly salon it was time for the T phase of my GTL and she went OHMYGODEJRSEYSHOREYOU’REHILARIOUS as i was dripping sweat all over the place. said there would be no L portion to the day though. i’ve been hitting jasper studios since i was 19. she was straightening her hair when i came in and i said busssssted. she loved my lifeguard shorts too. i could see actually hanging with her but i know it’s weird to ask strangers to be your friend like that. i biked home in the rain once the first few torrential downpour onslaughts subsided. almost died going down shaw, no brakes in the rain. cool safe! blasted the beach boys and the juxtaposition of the sunny californian lyrics made me laugh all the rest of the way home, also i was dressed pretty surfy too. parkdale approves.

much love, your favourite parkdale blonde.

14 thoughts on “we interrupt this blog post for a special news bulletin

  1. no yoga. well when i have floor space for it i do it. drunk yoga. stoned yoga. i proteined up so no more starvation exercising for this guy.

  2. i could see actually hanging with her but i know it’s weird to ask strangers to be your friend like that.

    DO IT!!!!
    I made a bud out of an acquaintance last week.
    Totes first date nerves, but the outcome is a new bro!!!

  3. Yes, workout before work, but have some protien after your workout(up to thirty minutes after) , helps with building muscle. You will be more energetic for work after your routine and a better mood.
    Make sure to drink lots of water too!

  4. pretty much i am a lazy asshole but one upon a time when i did go to the gym i found it way easier to work out before, because after work i’m like mrrrr and it was pretty likely that i’d talk myself out of it. if you go before, it’s out of the way and you can’t be like “eh i am tired/feel like doing something else/whatever”. but i don’t know if you make excuses like i make excuses. judging by your body, i would say you don’t haha

  5. I run a camp for young celibate woman. You will always have a place here at camp “Iahgotagetmesum”, after all we priests are all gay! No worries.

  6. dang you are looking good! whatever you are doing it is working! plus your tan is awesome! i am jealous :)

  7. You look great naked! Muscle weighs more per volume; 10 gallons of fat weighs less than 10 gallons of muscle or something like that.

  8. Great meeting you at Ultra last night. ugh, i ate so
    much cheese. Can anyone recommend a good stool softener?
    Your nipples are sublime!

  9. Whow, if i had a bod like that i would’nt keep my hands off
    myself,i”m like 400 lbs and married to my second cousin hank.
    we’re the stars in a new reality show, “blubber lover”. say that 10 times with yer county supplied dentures out.

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