you will be blogged
i am addicted to working out again. thank FUCK.
pre-work out meal. the grocery store down in manulife was closed (my gym is in the hood where i used to live) cos they’re renovating or putting in a loblaws so rich people don’t have to ghetto shop at whatever it used to be so i had to eat at the starbucks in indigo. i had so many funny little thoughts about people in bookstores then i told myself to just shut up. proud i stopped self from blowing money at h&m and also for finally meeting up with ryan for a sweet check. money money money smiley face. ok here is what i thought about people in bookstores from behind my shitty red fakebans and greasy hair, i looked at all these couples (jealously) who looked bored out of their minds and trapped (fat)(normies) and it was clear that to go to indigo was their “day” their “thing” so they rush around to make it happen then ignore each other for hours walking about in search of their next read that they will then ignore each other even more so by later on throughout the week until next weekend to do it again. fun life? kinda felt like watching cattle, like edward norton on the plane in fight club or douglas coupland in every single douglas coupland book. chain bookstores are the mcdonald’s’ of settling. what are we going to do tonite hon?
this plus weed equals 1000000 reps and spinal injury.
i have nothing to say about this.
fuzzy patio queen. i love tourist cheeseball town and i love that they rubberneck and i love that attention, if you’re lonely go to queen/john area and pick up.
new cameo from ardene.
this is from last week i love how trish snook it up on fb and didn’t tag me haha. i went there last nite in the same sweater and said um i wore this sweater last time right? stew laughed yes. i thought i was being unique turns out i’m just a lazy slob. gimme a break i just got off work.
stew is soooo hot!
had the largest wakame salad afterward then sashimi platter, passed on the sake (15 bucks for a small are you insane with greed!? must be cos they’re right across from king eddy).
lent casie the tank, ride safe babe! we got a loft in blue mountain for wakestock this weekend. floored. have a bathingsuit fitting tonite, not floored for how not beach-prepped my body is, not to mention pms bloat guh. does zeugari make tents? i will also be wandering around in hair extensions too, so rock of love hahaha. my long weekend blew, i cried myself to sleep practically every nite so be happy for me for once.
saw inception the other nite with craig. he is the worst movie date ever, talks through the whole movie, takes eleven pisses, then i felt mean for shushing him a lot but whatever man you can’t talk through that kinda film! he also pointed out how young all the actors were, um dude that one guy from third rock from the sun is older than me, at least 30? ps. who cares! we had fun at jack astors though, well i did. i have fun anywhere, really.
shanghai lettuce wraps.
i have a photo standing in this exact spot and im ten pounds heavier at least. it was after samir’s film short viewing had a party at brassai. that girl in the mirror was staring at me cutely on astor’s patio and i feel specifically came in to chat me up, which she did and cos i have the game of a gnat, your hero blew it. she said she liked the colour of my hair.
had lunch at terroni with elitist whiner. my hair was retarded yesterday. i love terroni’s patio why haven’t i been back there before? i think the place intimidates me. you can count on me loner-dining there many times in the future.
i forget which one this is, i didn’t eat the chickpea (polenta-ish doorstop) thing. whiner did.
pretty shells from the vongole.
nice eyebags.
much better. new yenta shades oy vey!
fabulous sanctuary.
bellini. peach schnapps and champagne. never thought to try that. i like when you learn a new drink you drink it until you can never ever drink it again. like pimm’s cups we are so done.
i want to stamp this on customer’s foreheads.
ok i want to go to italy now.
appetizer quatro. i know i whine about being fat and blah blah blah but really i ate like a bird yesterday normally i hoover and punch a motherfucker out the way of the platter, this time i was a lady and you were the tramp.
was a bird up til the gelato. i actually wrote WAKESTOCK on both of my hands at work last nite so i wouldn’t snack in the kitchen.
oooook i just realised how boring food posts are.
truth or dare party at stew’s. thank fuck i didn’t get this one.
stew got my dare, make stupid voices for each animal and make them conversate for up to 2 minutes, no laughing. pictures forthcoming of me pushing a dog dish across the floor with my nose and mooning our neighbor’s house for ten seconds oh and wearing a helmet in the street til a car drove by. thanks guys! stew line-danced while singing achy breaky heart in the street. ahh parkdale, we blend so well but hey guess what you can find it using GPS. ha psyche! but only once you’re done jerking off to your adult dvd on your plasma television but don’t get cum on the keyboard. ahhaha what just happened there?
see you tonight hot stuff. love writing WAKESTOCK on hands idea. two days and we’re outta this damn city! FUCK YEAH! xo
Why does the chick who followed you into the bathroom look like she has a full on beard???
Terroni’s rock!
Sorry but the bookstore normies part made me cringe.
For somehow who complains about people being mean and judgemental for no reason you sure do some mean judging?
whoops someone! not somehow
did i not say that i was jealous? there is nothing i would enjoy more than to settle into a bookstore couch with my fat husband. also, they’re mini astute thoughts based on observations that are, real and honest, true? also coming from someone who used to exist this way, was part of a couple, it’s not judging when it’s past experience. people look like cattle herding thru bookstore mazes dont be sensitive. CRINGE. you’re the one who finds it mean so maybe it struck a personal nerve? or are you reacting to the word normie? omg.
Just because you were unhappy in a relationship, doesn’t mean that everyone are.
Just because you were unhappy with being fat, doesn’t mean that everyone are.
Yeah I guess it did struck a personal nerve because my parents are a fat normie couple who go shopping together and it made me CRINGE that some asshole is snarking at them in the corner calling them ‘cattle’.
I want a fat bookstore couch husband, too.
The bookstore normies part also caught me a little off-guard, but there’s an aspect of truth to it, too. What’s a normie though?
I mean, I know what it means, but how are YOU defining it?
Just curious.
cattle?? some people just like to read. i take it you don’t?!?
cattle?! some people just like to read. i take it you don’t??!
Xenia when I see unhappy looks on people’s faces I take that to mean they’re unhappy. And cattle is my douglas couplandy term for society at large, not fat people do you have to be a pill all of the time? Sorry you think my blog is directed at your parents, whose parents aren’t leading normal book grocery shopping lives? Ps I was fat?
And we weren’t unhappy for the entire duration of our relationship either. Aorry for having eyes and a brain and noticing shit in my universe and blogging it. Get a grip.
And no I don’t like to read instead I like to eat overpriced bland sandwiches in reading establishments alone watching others fart smile into books. Get fucked idiot.
I dunno about cattle or reading because I am an illiterate vegan, BUT, I do know that Inception put me to sleep. Even after 11 pisses.
Just saying. And you know what, Hollywood DOES cast people who are just way effin younger than they should be for important roles, and way older than they should be for roles where they are supposed to be young.
So there.
Deal with that Bicycle Joe!
xenia is english your second language?
How many times do you write “You know nothing about my life, I have feelings, how dare you make assumptions about me and how I feel etc” when someone calls you a ditzy asshole or something?
Imagine that bookstore couple going home and blogging. BLOGGING haha! WRITING IN THEIR DIARY “I saw some ditzy asshole in her late 20s staring at us at the book store, probably some lonely bitch obsessed with losing weight and tanning. How pathetic!” —> this is what you sound like.
You can tell people are unhappy? they’re at the bookstore it’s not exactly a birthday party.
And yeah its true most people have awful petty observations all the time, sure you can call it “noticing shit in the universe” or “having an opinion” its just that we mostly don’t voice them cause we have a fucking society thats built on mutual respect for fellow human beings, fat or not, and its likely that some of our friends or family or their friends and family may be the kind of people you look down on and then surprise you’ve offended someone.
“doesn’t mean that everyone are” not once, but twice?
wtf xenia…….go back to the bookstore and learn english
Xenia can you fucking relax
Leslie, who gives a shit? sorry I’m a fucking immigrant.
Out of curiosity, how fat is Xenia?
oops change my drama typo please
wtf where’s my comment…here it is again:
Out of curiosity, how fat is Xenia?
Where is this society built on mutual respect for fellow human beings? Nevermind. I will ask some Native Americans.
shit man, i wanna play the “make stupid voices for each animal and make them conversate for up to 2 minutes, no laughing” game!
did you like inception?
telling people to “learn english” is one of the lowest forms of insult.
leslie fuck off
Yes Taylor english is my second language and I’m clumsy at it when I get upset.
Hey Xenia everyone is judgmental in some way. Its natural. And its never going to stop. Like the way many of us here now think you’re an idiot.
A big difference between Raymi and her haters is that she shares her observations with her readers and doesn’t attack people directly.
And by the way, Fuck fat people. Not literally of course because that is disgusting.
normies as in normal fuckin people, nothing serious or insulting about it.
and fat i meant multiple ways for crying out loud thanks for annoying me for three hours while i biked across the city to my gym and worked out.
Actually, you are correct in alot of your assumptions and observations.
People that settle into long relationships and marriages do have a “comfort factor”
even when it becomes “not good” or “lacking in passion”, etc. many stay, out of the sheer fear of the unknown.
So bookstores are an exceptional place to find escapism.
Escapism from their dull lives, dull partners, whatever they are trying to numb themselves from.
You can go to a bookstore, go into your own world, ignore your partner.
When you get home, put your book in your face, and continue to ignore your partner in the comfort of your own home.
Not saying all relationships go this way,
but sadly, many eventually do.
raymi, you’re kind of a shit. i’ve defended you and your defensive insults that pass for blog entries for many years but now i think you’re just an idiot. can’t deal with the fact that sometimes people find your writing offensive? good luck with your blog then. some of your readers are fat “normies”. the self hating attitude you had when you were “fat” is just as bad if not worse than you passing judgment on ppl who, OH MY GOD, don’t give a shit about looking good in a bikini.
PS oh and according to your standards, yes, you were fat.
PPS how exactly do you “mean fat in multiple ways?!?” what the hell does that even mean?!
mmkay u’re right xenia my comment was rude…apologies.
jesus, nice cunt army.
@yup fat as in sluggish lazy in love resigned couples, slang ive used for years. jesus get over it already. shall i refrain from making observations forever more now? ill look down when i walk from hereonin and write about flowers. im sorry some people are fat and unhappy im sorry that i pointed it out and ate a sandwich to it now get a life?
Ohhhh double meanings! i forgot you can just assign them to any word you like! I think i get how this works
Like yesterday I saw the grossest Raymi in the alley behind my house I think she came out of one of the crusty punk dogs who have taken residence there in the summer months. Ok so its just a word for dog shit I use so no hard feeeling! Fuck, it may have even been a double Raymi hahahhahaha
gotta at least give raymi props for allowing all her haters to post comments without deleting them. if someone leaves a bullshit comment on my blog, i moderate it and delete it cuz i can’t be fucking bothered to deal with people’s shit. i don’t have the inclination to indulge ‘em.
she’s a trooper for letting all her subscribers read all the shit you guys put to her daily. mad props for that.
fat does not equal unhappy. get it? that’s what’s insulting in your original post. i know lots of overweight people who are probably way happier than you and your 3 hours spent at the gym.
Hope y’all dig my !DOUBLE MEANINGS!
yeah its called being creative and snarky you know all about that remember you cruelly made fun of some guy’s acne to his face for ten solid minutes in front of sneaky dees? my ex boyfriend and i used fat to describe how lazy we were, too fat to go to the kitchen to answer the phone for example, FOR YEARS, which ive blogged many many many times and i don’t need your permission to go on long-winded rants on my own fucking blog. you sound like a fucking idiot now xenia your stupid double meaning example???? slow day at the piano store? you need to lighten up a lot. i projected my own personal experiences onto strangers just like you are projecting your parental family boring shit onto mine. HYPOCRITE go away now i have shit to do.
this is becoming entertainment and i have to go to a meeting but maybe tomorrow ill lighten up!
oh my god fat AND unhappy. am i not allowed to make fly by conclusions based on 50 sour faces in a row? i see shit everywhere cos i have eyeballs then i blog about it for blog material because i love people and am endlessly fascinated by them and so is everybody else and then i get a blog ad and make money because i have a blog with content that everyone fights about thank you for your participation. honestly i meant no meanness or cruelty when i said the word fat you all just took it that way cos you are sensitive and feel like you have to defend the world when really the world should just do better things on a long weekend if they had the chance like i wished i was at the time but did i have the time to type all of this at once and am i expected to? thanks boss!
yes, she’s a trooper. and so creative.
xenia you are a bitter person and i am sick of your little comment spats every six months
are you finished yet?
Uh, this is getting childish. It’s your journal, you can write whatever you want. People who are easily offended by your terminology/observations can piss off. Period.
Can you tell me where you took that picture of the bags made by inmates?
My boyfriend has to call me on my phone in order to find me in the bookstore. Our literary tastes are too different to trough in the same section… and I am a spazz. Hopefully it does not translate as unhappy.
Why isn’t anyone commenting about how awesome our lunch was? Did you even look at the pictures? Fuck. Did you even see my negroni? It was delicious!
The green stuff under the shrimp had mint in it. Also delicious.
Also, look at my fingers in the pic of the drinks – I look like E.T. See, tons of other material here, folks.
Anyone catching my tone yet? No need to be so tunnel visioned on something possibly taken out of context. And definitely no need to be hurtful.