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legion jam

it’s a good bad. everyone fell in love with me at this moment. there was a mini fight at the legion too. fat joan jett versus an old lady and the volume of tunes. the cops came too afterward just because they’re so bored around here.

a bunch of my videos and photos from the last photo dump disappeared off steph’s laptop. oh well. on to the next big mental. think we’re goin’ swimmin’ today.

my signature from last year. steph and rye stare at it sometimes when they go to the legion. awww.

6 thoughts on “legion jam

  1. that was pretty ridiculously funny that power of love bit.

    the cops’ excuse was to warn us about a bear down the street

  2. I have Steph’s shirt but in green tanktop version! Shirt five!!

    you guys look like you have a really fun and funny time. I like zis

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