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skinny in the face

yesterday was a little ‘tarded, rather, i was, and yesterday just merely happened. i feel better now despite the minimal minimal sleep i clocked last nite. loads of coffee before bed, always a dumb idea. here we are at cafetaste which is ramping up to be one of my new favouriter places to be emo by. they’re having a back patio launch party in a couple weeks, i’ll be there. went with melodie weeks ago and didn’t blog it as i am fully backlogged with stuff. would get around to it eventually.

right now rob is on a plane to SF to seduce some engineers. go find him he’ll be in town a week. he says those speaking engagements are great they make you feel like a star, but no hot chicks. burn.

before cafe taste it was mitzi’s, always mitzi’s. fuck i’m so lazy.

fried chicken southern style is a new menu feature and shit right i ordered it.

then after i wolfed half of it down rob and i traded meals, lamb roti SO good.

i waved to her. she waved back. there goes my nudist colony.

buds are budding.

SO jealous of their roof access.

part of why i couldn’t sleep last nite was i was worrying over my knee. it’s still pretty sore, hobbling into bed takes delicate precision. hoping i’ll be good for harlettes rehearsals and don’t keep dragging the pain out.

the selection here is incredible. they make their own chocolate too that you get with the bill and i always ask for more, it has cinnamon in it. delicious. better than a blowjob.

snoot. we started with the baco noir which was too sweet for rob. then we had something else that i have no recollection of. in-between that had a taste of something that was too dry, like drinking a bloody desert. kinda funny. too bad we missed the belly dancing.

fading and fighting it sure an espresso with bailey’s as recommended by jeremy, why not. then i had another.


an idiot in action looks like this in case you’re wondering.


this guy had some serious altar kneeling worship to do. it was bizarre and most amusing. oh parkdale.

jeremy humoured him nicely though and went over to inquire if the bro was looking for something. he goes yes (so wasn’t) so jer gets a flashlight, goes back, oh, i’ve found it (no you didn’t). leaves. got it all on video.

cafetaste from raymi lauren on Vimeo.

cafe taste have only been reviewed once when they first opened and before they got their liquor license so they were reviewed solely as a coffeebar/cafe. stupid no. yes very actually as they’re a wine bar. tsk tsk toronto urban web media guys. one day when i have more than three seconds to string together a coherent post, i’ll unearth the plethora of photos and notes i took at/on cafetaste. short of that, maybe see you at their wino partio in a couple weeks. they’re also on twitter @cafetaste.

the vibe in there is very relaxed, perfect dead on wine night out atmosphere. dark. pillows. dimly lit vibrant gypsy lamps. good place to be heartbroken.


not even facing mecca is what every asshole in there proclaimed. ha. erp software

One thought on “skinny in the face

  1. ahhh LLOVE cafe taste! Have been going since they opened. Go on their organized wine tours. I took my 67 year old dad on one last August, and he had a great time. We were both in awe of Jeremy’s wine knowledge… what a dude!

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