sur l’autre rive de l’ocean
Je n’ai pas pour habitude de réagir sur les blogs auxquels je suis abonné, mais là, considèrons que c’est un forum!
Petits principes d’éducation à l’attention de M. Mystère:
-Jamais je ne donne d’avis sans que l’on me le demande,
-Lorsque je n’aime pas quelqu’un, je lui dis en face,
-Mieux vaut se taire et passer pour un idiot, plutôt que de parler et confirmer que l’on en est un…
Sinon, je suis ravi de suivre les péripéties d’une femme magnifique à tous points de vue! A la limite d’être mon alter-égo, Je n’ai pas pour habitude de réagir sur les blogs auxquels je suis abonné, mais là, considèrons que c’est un forum!
Petits principes d’éducation à l’attention de M. Mystère:
-Jamais je ne donne d’avis sans que l’on me le demande,
-Lorsque je n’aime pas quelqu’un, je lui dis en face,
-Mieux vaut se taire et passer pour un idiot, plutôt que de parler et confirmer que l’on en est un…
Sinon, je suis ravi de suivre les péripéties d’une femme magnifique à tous points de vue! A la limite d’être mon alter-égo, sur l’autre rive de l’océan.
I do not usually respond on the blogs to which I subscribe, but then consider this forum!
Small principles of education to the attention of Mr. Mystery:
-I never give an opinion unless you ask me,
-When I do not like someone, I told him in the face
-Better to be silent and look like a fool rather than speak and confirm that there is a …
Otherwise, I am delighted to follow the adventures of a beautiful woman in every way! At the borderline of my alter-ego, on the other side of the ocean.
Dear Raymi,
I hate your samurai shoes with a passion that I would normally only feel for my arch enemy (my ex bff). I think it may have to do with the fact that they remind me of the 80’s and of my childhood. Both which sucked. And the fact that they are super ugly.
You however, I still adore. Especially your post on Postsecrets. It was the first time in a long time that I have read a blog post that was actually made me think about what I was reading rather than just consuming the words and pictures mindlessly for a distraction against nothing. I have to agree that Postsecrets have very few of the dirty little secrets anymore. The kind that would give me a cheap thrill. Cheap thrills such as when you divulge a bit of your personal life (like every time you mention Phil but leave us hanging because you are only mentioning it to tell people to mind their own fucking business). I even thought about becoming a therapist just so I could satisfy my voyeurism of peoples lives (dirty secrets) for cheap thrills. This probably explains why I am such a good listener. Well first I thought about being a cop before therapist, but I am too gullible and really would believe that the little baggie in your pocket is some dried basil you got from a friend because you ran out. Is a therapist supposed to call you on bull shit as well? Because if so then I need to think of another career choice.
Speaking of career choice – how is yours going? I read that you would like to be a writer, and noted you do have a book for sale but that you also were were known as the poorest famous person ever (who hasn’t died – because the only time poor people are famous are the broke ass has been celebrities that are all over the news once they kick the bucket). I envy you for knowing what you want to do. I always thought I would end up like Beth from Little Women and die because I never wanted to be or do anything. Which is true – I mean I only want to be a therapist because I want to know peoples issues and secrets, not because I care. What a freak I am.
Anyway – sorry this email ended up being a total head case. Back to the point – I hate your shoes. I <3 you! Take Care, Amanda
babe, was that a google-translation? lolz! i mean, it’s pretty much correct, but ya, just had a giggle reading it. allez les bleus.
Que est-ce que j’ai fait aujourd’hui
J’ai reposé et ai vu les avions voler au-dessus de ma tête
Une voiture conduit par moi
Et le soleil descend
Nous parlons de la ville
Cette ville est folle dansle tete
Et son esprit est en difficulté
Toutes les étoiles ont volé loin il y a longtemps
Est-ce que ce n’est pas gentil
Il est semblable à Miami Vice
Je deviens fou quand je ne suis pas avec vous
Votre vie est comme le rêve d’un enfant
Il semble que tout est à la TV
Vous voyez votre visage dans le miroir
Est-ce votre visage dans le miroir
Nous regardons la télévision encore
Et nous voyons que tout est bon
Mais que est-ce que j’ai fait aujourd’hui
Je deviens fou
Que est-ce que j’ai fait aujourd’hui
Je deviens fou quand je ne suis pas avec vous
Lauren semble comme si elle est tout à fait triste
Ce n’est pas la première fois
Wt il ne sera pas durent
Il y a des secrets derrière elle
Oh, Elles te donnent une crise cardiaque
i thought your postsecret post was pretty nice this time around, very sympathetic from what i remember. i think you and Dan Savage have similar thresholds on who you’ll rip on vs. who you’re nice to.
Holy Shit!
A Reel to Reel Tape Machine!!!!!
Now we’re talking!!!!!
I like Raymi’s stuff because it’s an instant insight into the youth and counter culture. It’s like reading instant history. Future archeologists and anthropologists will love this stuff! It’s original source material. (and good material at that).
One of the problems I see, are many readers have no clue that they are reading some new form. (and watching… the same time).
People expect to see the same forms of literature, or journals, or “Is it Fiction?” – is this true!?
Why, in my time it was a pencil and a yellow legal pad and a Giant All Powerful Publisher in the Big City… Now, writers-artists get to say ” Fuck You”.
“I only want to be a therapist because I want to know peoples issues and secrets, not because I care”
On another hilarious note, you look like a ‘sexy ambutee’ (ew) in the last picture.
Unsure which shoes she is referring to though?
I was talking about these shoes:
dude u need to get over it