poor little guy.
buy a vacuum or shave your cat.
my brother had to watch rocky for a week once, he had some friends over then rocky comes prancing into the room and one friend proclaims what the FUCK is that!!?
busy day. time? no time. always. never.
He looks like a teeny tiny disgruntled lion!
so true he also looks like my uncle in the face.
Nice scrabble word… did you get good points on that one?
i love this cat!!
couldn’t play that word.
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH! That is exactly how Mittens would have looked. She always had the bitchiest expression on her face. SO funny. That made my life. Also, the last picture of you is adorable.
why do u guys shave him?
because my dad is stubborn and lazy, hates vacuuming.
He’s adorable. Totally looks like a little lion… D’aw.
I’m glad he doesn’t look like your uncle in the body.
LOL I just laughed so out loud @ Eve
does the kitty appear bothered at all?
excessive licking or anything?
‘cuz it pretty much looks A-mazing.
His face denotes the cats-are-evil, feral witches’ imp stereotype but he somehow strikes me as being the sweetest, most lovable and loving kind of pussycat.
he so so so is
does he hav an array of sweaters now for the winter seasons?
what a sweet cat. my parents had a Persian calico that would hate being brushed and when they did she’d make that cartoony cat howling noise.
omg next time Sabrina goes away I’m doing that to her cat
so funny.
I’ve only had one long haired cat, never thought to shave him…might have been a good idea given his propensity for dingle berries. He, unfortunately, out stayed his welcome and was quickly adopted by someone else.
which uncle?
whos the sexy lady in the mirror?
We have an orange cat shaved like that! He really does look like a lion. Cutest.
poor rocky. what a haircut
Rocky looks hilarious. Was he embarassed?
what is exciting about this website she is just coked out taking photos of nothing.
sorry lil douchie, haven’t done coke in months.