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w scarves of red tied ’round their throats

i love this girl. it was her birthday yesterday. here’s a bunch of things you haven’t seen or may of heard about before but mainly it’s for her. in a subtle way she changed my life. props on that.

dressing up fancy for the legion masquerade.

here she is owning me at foosball. she’s had more practice. i used to be alright at this. kinda majorly lying right now. i mean i used to be good at fluking it. how i get thru life basically.

i would fight a ninja for that right now.

they said i brought the emo with me. people who indulge you in your humour and dumb jokes are the best people there are. never lose them.


not cheap.

so worth it.

GAH! thurston followed us for a bit to outfox a fox. true story. this cat is probably smarter than you city slickers.

high art. carhole art. speaking of, this is how you carhole jam. hang tight ’til the end haha.

so wasted, such good people. you know what’s awesome? NOT being in the city for long stretches and not caring about shit you thought was supremely important at one point in time.

though, it’d be nice to be 20 again.

what a loud evening hahaha.

that’s the man you can thank/blame everything for.

root beer schnapps frosty beers my face just salivated.

bacon vodkas. these kids, these skidly kids took care of raymi. here’s us making the bacon vodka can’t wait for foodies to be up all over my youtube vid. we watched a tutorial of a buncha geeks doing bacon vodka shots and whining about it. wtf guy, booze is a skill.

seriously the best caesar you will ever have. here’s what i said on youtube about it: kinda gross eh but kinda amazing once you drink it in a BLT (bacon lettuce tomato) caesar when you’re hung/drunk/givin’er in Thunder Bay. to make: pour bacon grease in mason jar of vodka, let room chill a bit before placing in freezer or whatever place it right in, next day pour thru coffee filter, removing fat from vodka. make a caesar. you’re welcome.

happy birthday gorgeous one, free spirit most genuine girl who constantly blows my mind. miss you. i love makin’ you laugh omg gay freefall…………

boogie town.

i arrived skinny. that’s my airplane shirt. then the day i left i got skinny again. being a woman, fluctuating bloat is such a thrill. eating and drinking like a wild animal helps tons.

she wore that shirt the day we first met. i think i briefly wore that one too before i had to change seven more times. another “thing” of mine steph patiently tolerates.

19 thoughts on “w scarves of red tied ’round their throats

  1. omg what an amazing birthday present. thank you my raymikins!!

    k goin for a walk in the north air now to pretend like that last line isn’t what brought the tears to my eyes…

    hahaha hi tech.

    aw. thank you so much.

  2. this post got me all misty. very beautiful and touching. having good friends is such a blessing. happy birthday to you steph!

  3. yep i’m pretty lucky to have put her in a northern hockey sweater, she’s pretty double-fab, if she were a president she’d be babraham lincoln, etc.

  4. owl country is pretty sweet, except for all the owls. when winter sets in you’ll start to hear them all the time at night, it’s kind of annoying. in all those years of sleuthing, going like, “who, who?” you’d think they’d have figured it out by now buuut nope.

  5. owl mugggg!!!

    happy bday stef i enjoy your blog and your cottage country adventures, a breathe of fresh air from the stanky city. not that i live in a real one, but you know.

  6. krista we call cottages camps for some reason and i think the official tourism designation for here is canyon country.
    yes i am anal.

    chris is right, you’re hot. p.s. not everything is bigger in texas.

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