The thief he kindly spoke
this is what i’ve been up to: shit all.
just kidding. no i’m not. just kidding. kidding no i’m not uuuuuuuugh hi.
i’m moochin’ my friend’s slow wifi currently hangin’ with her pooch it has taken a day and a nite to upload photos to flickr so once that’s finally completed i’ll have to come up with some weak-ass vapid captions/descriptions for each. same old same old. oh yeah later this week mtv news is doing an interview with me on camera about guess what? THE INTERNET! what the hell is that? what do i wear? how many brews do i pound for talking courage blaaaaah. oh and a modeling gig just popped up, and some other blogging thing i’m dragging my heels on as well as two fucking art projects holy totally overwhelmed but cool about it. and a music video starring me with britt (she’s a producer you know, director?) now i must restudy all the semi-smart/stupid things i said in these clips.
also i don’t know if this is legit or not but i am really liking the sound of it:
Dear artist.
Are you interested in spending a time in an artist residency?
Due to cancellations we have a few open studio spaces in November (3) and
December (4).
(Next year is pretty booked until September 2010 but we have a waitlist.)
The main goal of the residency is to provide an opportunity for
international exchange, where professional artists in all media including
writers and performing artists are given the opportunity to meet, exchange
ideas and possibly cooperate.
Nes artist residency was founded in the beginning of March 2008 in the
town of Skagastönd and the first artists arrived in June. An international
artist residency, Nes provides artists with a workspace and living
quarters during their stay in Skagaströnd. The town was a trading and
fishing town for centuries. With the fishing industry decreasing in the
last decade, the former fishing plant at Fjörubraut 8 has now found a new
role housing the Nes artist residency studios. The living quarters are in
five apartment houses and row-houses each shared by 2-5 artists.
If you are a devoted and interesting artist who wants to get a new kind of
inspiration please read more about our program at our website: (i guess linking that is virtually pointless as it’s all icelandic)
Also remember to add us as a friend on Facebook where you can see what is
going on here and also a few photo albums.
María Markovic
Nes Listamiðstöð
545 Skagaströnd
i’ve always wanted to visit iceland. being a blur fanatic in my not too distant past, knowing they recorded their self-titled fifth album in Reykjavik as well as somewhat recently reading 101 reykjavik i’m dead set on the scene. i am in love with the idea of nearly-forgotten dark places on the edge of the planet. sometimes on the news when they show a map of the world they don’t even bother including the tiny speck of that island of ice. lots of drinkers there (it’s dark and cold for like ever) and we all know i love me my drinkers. i don’t think i’ll ever be unromanticized about them. not so much being one myself, i dunno, i’m in love with tortured beasts. and sadness. that for me will never change. i don’t think you ever break free of sentimentality, the human memory in that regard seems to be limitless and yes i did drink the gay koolaid, i’ve been hittin’ it all week in fact.
if you were feeling like a gander at some rock solid ab definition i invite you to all sizes this guy.
visited st. jude’s church last week, sat on my great grandmother’s memorial bench. probably my most favoured beautiful emo perch. my grandmother and grandfather’s ashes are here too.
i know i’ve mentioned this numerous times before here i guess it’s just the time of year.
totally ordered.
that’s the girl.
nice little sanctuary.
did you leave that there, tin ribs? (inside)
i’m bummed i couldn’t get her the one she wanted but i think in time she will appreciate this one more.
i’d wear that dress in a second.
this is my retro pocket kiddle from the 50s? 60s? probably 60’s based on the apparel, got it from the antique flea market in bronte probably on the cusp of being a little too old for toys. i was kinda late in getting the notion that you’re not supposed to be into toys anymore, rude awakening coming back to school in grade 6 and everyone was wearing new stylish clothes (i of course was dressed like kurt cobain so maybe i won?) and i had a stack of pink plastic toys at home whoops thanks for the newsletter, peers. at least betty joe harris missed that one too. also known as betty fro harris. poor girl.
trying to think of a moon joke. newp. nuthin’.
guess who’s a gazelle? not you.
i fucked up my left hand doing some cartwheels. that thing about aging and not being able to perform certain things you used to be able to churn out like crazy back in your spring chicken days, well, it’s not a myth. stay limber dudes.
this would be the moment of geniosity, settin’ off with my left hand, not the strong one as well that uber cyst on my wrist. maybe i’ll just blame the lawn instead and not enough space otherwise i could have done 6 in a row down the backyard, hard to photograph though.
bought some pears from the supermarket then discovered the tree hanging over my dad’s fence is a packed to the tits muhfuckin’ pear tree! i jumped up, plucked one and a ton of others fell off on the other side haha. they’re not ripe yet. check back later for more news concerning pears!
beer and a splash of oj. don’t be an idiot and deny yourself this taste of paradise.
me and jimi, hangin’ (i apologize profusely for all these: ” ‘ ” things in lieu of spelling out the whole word, like spellin’ IT’S HOW I TALK!)
this is the last picture flickr let me get up before i lost my mind and blew an impatience fuse in my brain so we’ll meet again some day soon bye bye.
these are the things i have to think about now:
Was it a complicated decision to become so open with your personal life in your blog?
Where do you draw the line with privacy?
Have you any regrets?
What are the benefits of being public?
Based on your experience, how do you think the internet has affected our culture in so far as a social tool.
What is your advice to people on the issue of internet privacy?
i will attempt to get more photos on flickr so check back periodically if you have a life like me.
well here’s some i put up last week or so.
best store ever, on bloor north side two teeny blocks west of bathurst.
and then some.
look they all want to hug me their arms are reaching out to me ME!
seriously, can i live here?
i just, i, have no words. except the ones i just typed oh my god jokes!
well aren’t you precious.
i love this guy he is so nice and totally a perfectionist. remember the pill he almost made me swallow that had paper inside haha. watching him wrap hailey’s present was torture. the chick working with him was like yeah, total perfectionist. he wrapped the gift then unwrapped it just to wrap it again! i bet he’s like that with rolling joints omg my skin was crawling and i was already so late to dinner.
feh, more time for important things like taking pictures of retarded shit i can’t live without.
do you think i would ever get anything done if i worked in this place (like i ever get anything done anyway so nevermind). that’s what noel said to me if i worked at magic pony i’d always be fucking with everything sigh dream job.
k ready yet are you sure? (i love the delicate attention to detail i really do)
i stuffed a 20 in the fold. teens love money.
they chucked it in this cute little baggy.
it spoke to me.
my brother is in a gang apparently, of hippies. they get together for peace rallies and intense games of hacky sack.
fil trying to silence the sound of my mom’s camera that irritates the universe every time she turns it on which is every two seconds.
falconer projects bahaha even though they aren’t projects but we still represent ‘em nonetheless. ahhh.
don’t ever plan on eating healthy in the suburbs.
birthday girl. this was my shirt (h&m size 2? 4?) still fits me but she likes my little cool shirts. i gave her my rolling stones tee too, i am trying to cool the hell out of her. it’s not hard at all.
someone’s gonna destroy some hearts eh.
ok i’ve had enough of this slow connection xoxo.
Did you respond to the Skagaströnd artist residency yet? For some reason it reminds me of Chuck Palahniuk’s Haunted – but sounds pretty cool. I too have a thing for Iceland, and what a way to see it.
Oh fyi – if you missed it there is an english version of their site too –
congrats on all your upcoming gigs girl!
super proud of you
i am incapable of cartwheels
phew, the post was a whirlwind
thank Fil for silencing my camera
I can get away with alot more now
And no sneaking away with Hailey’s little dolls
your camera takes great clear shots
what kind is it?
omg! i want all of those cute little things and i want to cover my bed in them and sleep with them every night!
raymi i love the way your hair looks in the pic with u sitting on a chair. everything matches with your face you look really pretty raymi.
haha i got the iceland email too
too expensive.
lovely pix of St. Jude’s especially, so much nicer to go there alone…no, I didn’t leave those flowers, I usually bring something from my own “garden”, but it’s always nice to see that other people do what they can…keep on being your beautiful self and see you soon, XOX
Do you want a package of stuff from Korea? Literally every store here is packed with Asian kitsch like that – Lemme know, lots of Engrish stationery that I can send in your direction, and dolls with poop on their head.