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teenager in love

god it’s past noon already. this post is going to take aaaaages, i farted around online all morning and now have finally run out of sites to lurk so here i go. fil says i have to tell you he didn’t get a chance to properly edit his photos (the colours?) so don’t judge them what? relax pill fil, they look fine. (ps. i started this at 12.17 and ended it at 1.42, just some insight into how much work actually goes into these long-winded/photo jobbers.

final photo with shit hair.

thank you fil for cutting work to photograph yesterday.

and thank you shawna for being awesome.

and rose you are the best. not a catty bone in her body that chick. i am actually having an anxiety attack in this photo. from the heat and the stupid chest strangling shirt i wore and the cape. rose was consulting me on what should be done to my hair and i was like mhhmm yep ok cool i trust you yes yep uh huh uh huh fil can you pass me my purse cool cool ok AWESOME. i was so embarrassed but i think they couldn’t tell. i really wanted another coffee (was exhausted) but knew it’d put me over the edge so i held off.

is that a kozyndan bunnyfish? i know their stuff gets printed on shirts and shoes and lots more cool shit, like a hair blade. maybe?

shawna gave me an amazing cut. gave me definition and thinned it out a little, yet kept the length. phewf. she is fantazing about giving me a super short look. one day, one day. BUT NOT TODAY.

fil got a trim out of this dealy. lucky.

colour time.

delicious red pepper thai shrimp soup from next door total score. we went there to share a wrap afterward.

so this process was going to consist of three phases which rose shortened to 2 once she saw how much natural hair i had goin’ on in that mess, patches where the black dye had faded (or places i missed when dying it myself) to my natural ash blond/brown whatever you call it, and golden bits from when i had streaks. so during the applying black stripping agent (like bleach, but not) once she got to the top of my head was just like fuck it and put it all over. saved us like 45 minutes. she decided to free-hand it in lieu of foils so it would look more natural instead of uniform patch after patch, the term is baliege? it’s french and i cannot find it online. anyway, the goal was a multi-tonal colour medley and that’s what we got.

my main concern with all this was what if it completely frazzles my hair like i did once before on a blonde ambition whim and then i’ll have to cut it all off? rose assured me, in fact, colour corrections are her favourite thing to do because she gets to 1. help out giant fuck ups (my words) and 2. gets a satisfaction boner once her vision comes to fruition. when i had my hair colour corrected once before the woman who did it was totally mean and it cost a ton of money too. i could tell she hated every minute of it and was annoyed at me. i felt like shit during the entire experience. oh well at least i under-tipped her haha (not on purpose, just ignorance). having someone who is passionately working on your mistake is, i don’t know how to describe it, you just feel really super grateful and not at all sheepish.

not to be a lesbian or anything but holy head massage skills, guy.

shawna’s friend lynsie has photos currently displayed at brennen demelo (hurry they’ll be taken down soon) and i seriously want this barbie print. need this barbie print in my life. art trade?

LOVE coney island weirdo land.

their incred spacious studio is located at 316 adelaide. they also do couture clothing reworks. the concept is get your hair did, get your outfit, then go party. you can even bring something in and they’ll alter/jazz it up for you, they’re also on twitter and quite the building empire plus have worked with gobs of knowns.

not to talk shit about other salons or anything buuuuuut i hear the industry is pretty fickle-minded, competitive and childish. not this place though, you don’t feel intimidated like you are interrupting everyone by being there, do you know what i mean? no snobs here, genuine people who are cool to boot and make you feel like part of the family.

every time i got up to do whatever i thought this mannequin was a person checking me out, stop staring eh!

for all the big mouth what is me, i’m pretty private with my pleasure experiencing, shy even. fuck off fil leave me and my tickling scalp alone!

you can pick yourself up a raymi collector card too.

yeah i know how you feel.

drying hair so phase 2 can begin.

do you remember doing your own hair when you were younger and thinking this was acceptable? thanks kurt cobain.

goodbye black.

i look like my dad.

the crappier it looks after phase one, the nicer it looks after phase two.

mutli-tonal don’t forget.

final dye has been applied now we sit for 15 minutes.

i must buy this.

fil didn’t take pics during the second rinse cos he learned his lesson.

they may be bitches. but they are skinny bitches. exactly. kind of DUH tips but evidently people need to hear them over and over and over again. similar to my diet regimen.

OOOOOOOOoooooooooooh i’m prettier, didn’t think it was even possible to top it, so is, so is. i learned from Bitch that blondes don’t have more fun. sluts do. ha ha.

you need to see it in real life to see the difference. there are some dark parts down there still but not many, and they blend well with the rest of it. i am very pleased. no more dark.

plus my hair is partially damp in these.

wheeeeeeeeeee yeah!

so not only is it lighter, it’s no longer frazzly. bonus with lighter hair you don’t have to wash it as much, i am so floored over that one. money saving, time saving, beauty. win.

I LOVE YOU ME! i know it’s not a dramatic change. meh. wanted a natural go at it. rose wants me back next week to tone it some more cos she is an over-achiever like that. i’m tellin’ ya see this girl she will hook you up and tell her raymi sent you, catch her on twitter or just call the salon: 416.301.1072 you can also email the salon and send in photos of your hair disaster to better describe what the damage is and what you want: – shawna is also on twitter. fil dropped his long time hairstylist for her she is that good. very thorough, methodical, takes her time, every section of hair is important to her and most importanly listens to you and follows through, unlike many stylists who go mhmm mhmm then do their own thing anyway UGH. such an artist that one and actually, her art will be the next stuff showing at the studio.

hello beautiful.

i look like an eight foot tall monster.

i’d love to be a stylist walking around in front of mirrors all day long in killer outfits.

soft soft soft.

then i put back on the anxiety attack shirt.

hot bikinis. shawna showed me one with ruching up the butt crack, very adorable (ass enhancers). the chick who designs them is a (i forget) some kind of female body-expert guru, if you come to her with your problem areas list she will custom-design for you the perfect suit.

they have shirts you wear special goggles to look at and the designs jump out 3D at you. awesome shirt to do shrooms in. actually you’d have to get your friend to wear it so you can look at him.

can’t stop staring at myself. WHAT ELSE IS NEW OMG ROFL!LOLOLOLOLZ!

place next door i forget the name of. one solid piece of wood for this table. i bet it was like $20,000.

great salon weather!

yum “slaw” has pineapple in it and i am not a pineapple fan at all.

we shared the roasted free range chicken wrap.

poor little duder got splashed.

this is the right place!

bbq chicken from martino. AMAZAAZIZING.

the boys had pizza. i also had coconut chicken soup. also delicious. their delivery is great, walk-in off the street not so much.

we’re goin’ to a wedding reception on an island up north this weekend. fil and steve had to go through a ton of old photos for a roast they’re workin’ on. i overheard some of their jokes/material. i’m funnier.

omg i looked tired as shit yesterday thanks to britt’s bbq.

looks almost ginger no? i love how my grown-out bangs look now thank you again and again shawna i feel so stupid for being stubborn. way to go aries.

cork change. we have a billion of ‘em. also an entire cork recycling bin in the laundry room from all the winos in the building. all you need is a little eye hook, screw it into your cork of choice then put a chain through and voila you stupid fucking hipster.

BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xoxoxox!

35 thoughts on “teenager in love

  1. Love it, fil’s pics are fine god! I gotta ask just how thick does your hair at it’s best/worst? and what kind of shampoo do you use?

  2. my hair is super duper fine, but there’s lots of it. i use any kind of shampoo except for life brand which is essentially water. whatever’s on sale or i get for free.

  3. obviously i just meant small world coincidences etc like we both use the internet and we both get hair did by rose WHAT ARE THE ODDS

  4. What do you use for shampoo and conditioner Raymz? Also do you use a leave in treatment or wha?
    I recently just coloured my hair all crazy like- looks like a mad sunset: crimson/cherry/copper/orange/blondish, blendz togetha nicely, but b/c I had to bleach parts, i need some mad hair care products.

    Would like to know what you use on your locks to keep ‘em lush?

    PS. your stylist indeed do a fantabulous job, v. pretty!

  5. so far just a leave-in spray condish but now i am considering investing in a volumizing spray for my roots and some kind of smoothing balm. go to any salon and ask them what you should get to suit your needs.

  6. Thanks dude.

    I love my salon, but the products are super expensive, so I am trying to find similar ones that don’t make me poor. x

  7. if you can find/know a stylist that does hair at home, they typically get products at cost. there’s also a hair designer surplus store i forget the name of, our old hairdresser took my mom with her once. or just go to a pharmacy and buy whatever’s on sale.

  8. Your hair looks fabbuu. I can sum up “Skinny Bitch” for you: EAT VEGAN. Totally over-hyped book, and yes, I own it.

  9. Never thought this before, but you look like Rachel Leigh Cook in that one teen movie (post makeover) in these snaps.

    I like it! Makes me want to grow out my hair.

    PS. Not that it matters, but I finally fixed my link to your blog on my site–so glad. I’ve always enjoyed reading you.

  10. anon hawk-eye i forgot it at home i was late and rushing out the door.

    hey jacquie i’ve seen that spread, so good ahhhhh.

  11. looking good! skinny bitch is awesome and becoming a vegetarian, not even full out vegan, really does make you skinnier. i lost 10lbs in 2 months and the only other change i made was working out LESS.

  12. sorry that was nonsensical. this better explains what I was trying to say


  13. oh ya….that razor was custom designed for me by Rob from Bobby5. (cuz he’s my BOY!)
    and yeppers that sure is a kozy n dan bunny fish!
    (you know your stuff)

  14. That bunnyfish razor is awesome. I wonder who made the art on it though? Mad props to whoever it was. I want to post the razor on our website in the Projects:Tales of the Bunnyfish section.

  15. Hey Raymi,

    thanks for the awesome compliments!

    It was great to meet you today – look forward to talking!


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