ladies throw they panties on the floor
i haven’t had a lick’s homeburger in a long time. i normally get the natureburger to feel less guilty. really there is no difference in taste other than the homeburger is a bit tangier and smokier. i think i prefer the natureburger despite it being a buck more expensive. god i want one right now.
we finished our burgers in less than three minutes it seemed. hogs.
they have no qualms over allowing you to have bacon bits on your burger. i have always shied away from those guys i felt like it wasn’t allowed? lick’s law! yes these photos are kinda repulsive.
hey fatties they offer you water if you just order a burger, pop’s not necessary ok. be healthy!
fil’s idea of a joke – taking my picture. so why the hell are we in the ‘burbs anyway well had to do some dad duty cos won’t be around on sunday. i slipped a card in my nana and papa’s mailbox trying to be all stealth (no time to drop in) and as i was tiptoeing away fil blammed on the horn and reversed super fast and loud. i jumped out of my fucking skin and beat it after him fucking asshole. when we pulled onto the street we were even whispering in the car shh drive quietly ok why are we whispering? hahah.
love it, awesome application brush, dries super fast, matte finish. on sale at shoppers right now go get some ladies.
sigh rocky so cute. he runs like a rabbit the entire length of my dad’s backyard.
in some serious lawn furniture need reminder to my brother hint hint.
so happy.
where’s the sun today what gives?
what a little princess.
kills me.
we watched some of the rutles (funny stuff) and ate some delicious cheese and dip then came home for our stories.
ta-da! must get more before sale ends as it completely blows all my other nail polishes out of the water. (if they for some reason were in water who comes up with these stupid sayings?)
yo relax.
cid at fil’s desk that box has several different placements around here. totally normal right? ugh.
k wish me luck bye.
there was a lick’s where i live, and it just recently got closed down, and i’m pretty sure i have never eaten there ever. but their singing annoyed me.
do you glitter your tattoo? adorable!
rocky is such a girl.
Licks is catering a bbq at my work tomorrow!
yes i glitter lotion her practically everyday because i am insane
That’s MY Lick’s!!! I <3 Lick’s. I told you that already. How sad for me.
those hamburgers look pretty wicked pretty sweet
I bought that same nail polish in white and you’re right — it goes on exactly the same color as it looks in the bottle + it lasts a long time. Love it.
They have Red Robin out west, but I enjoy Licks more. and ps we have about four boxes around our apartment just for our cat. She runs this place.
oh rocky is so tiny and sweet.
those burgs look so good so hard to get a decent burger you don’t make yourself. i like bacon in it because it feels worse slapping bacon on it, there is no logic really though.
good luck!
Cid rocks. I always tell people that my cat Charles has found the best slaves a feline could ever ask for. He truly rules the house.
i have the same nail polish! that fat brush is the best invention ever.
yer hair is getting so long, fantastic. looking good as usual raymi.
DUDE. I am as enthusiastic about that nail polish as you are! When I used it I couldn’t believe the applicator… which… to actually be that wowed by the applicator I dunno… it says something.
Also Licks rocks. And my dad is so cute. His name is Dave but he’d do in there and say his name is King Frencesco Franjesevich and stuff just to make them sing it and boy did they try That never got old.
Hey, did you notice that you are progressively blogging less? Like compared to previous years/months.
I vote for more raymi! <3
I’ve heard that nail polish is the bee’s knees (another totally whack saying). Do they have it in many colours?
I bought the yellow one. I can’t remember all the colours.
Really?! I was not very impressed with that nail polish! I thought the fat brush was annoying and it looked like a 10 year old girl did my nails aka i got it all over my skin. i think i put it on too thick and i was eating sunflower seeds and somehow got it on my teeth! i can tell you it doesn’t taste very good either!
you have to let a lot of the polish glob off before applying, cos a lot is hidden within the brush bristles.