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i just wanna give up and lay down and die

at this point i realised this was a good skinny pose so i abandoned trying to capture my nails in macro and focused on myself instead.

ha see. these are from sunday.

nice and yellow. beauty.

there we go full outfit. fantastic. glowing reviews on the street. sunday was pretty emo for me. one part due to recuperation from saturday and also maybe some hormonal thing. my body is so ready to have this fucking iud OUT and for the most part i can humour my moods and feelings pretty well but some days it sneaks up on me and not much help is required in inspiring a meltdown. like every thing that is bothering you ever bothers you all at once and you’re like yep, gonna flippin’ oot here it comes blaaaagh! my appt is tomorrow to have a swab (gross word, theirs not mine) and i dunno if that means they will take it out or not. i should probably call my doctor’s office today note to self.

hahaha. aw. so i went for an emo walk to hmv to track down a dvd for my pa. (father’s day is this coming sunday i won’t be around for it sorry i’ll make it up to you! i am removing myself from the city for a little break and heading north to skid country).

a few weekends ago i saw a burlesque dancer in this window from across the street and a giant horny tourist mob was gathered around the window. pretty funny. the chick was bangin’ too.

these things mesmerized me for a few moments.

taking “arty” or non-norm pictures in front of strangers is oftentimes a funny experience. they get this look on their face like W T F WHY is she d-o-i-n-g THAT!? it’s like planet of the geniuses every time a camera’s whipped out holy fuck people relax.

then i was over it.

adorable window display.

i love this little chocolate store. have not ever bothered going in, can only imagine the ridiculous prices.

a bout of starvation-induced crazy made me do it. wasn’t feelin’ the bloor street festivities. how fun is standing up and eating in a giant crowd? anyone? exactly. also that sour cream had a giant mould blob in the middle, i have to go back today and return it so annoying. the valumart in manulife center is buzzkill enough as is. thanks guys. i forwent cheese for that garbage thinking what a treat. in the end it worked out though, the chicken with onion and pepper fajita spices and salsa was delicious enough. fil had 7 of them.

rotisserie weakness. we boiled the carcass, bones, fat etc down to make more chicken stock you really need to do that as well.

now what could you possibly want?


uh, what?

i like your intentions at least. ew oh yeah that woman blew a gigantic (and loud) snot rocket onto the pavement. chinese food craving window closed for the summer.

fil wants to make the most of these two nites we have left together alone (tomorrow nite is nxne party) he is already missing me. i should go away more often. dudes are predictably cute. you annoy them when yer around, they miss you like crazy when you’re gone. ps. fil is just as, if not more, annoying than i am.

i wasn’t planning on the gut rot beverage but last minute flaked out on the spot. fil finished his in two minutes.

emo day 2.

i love baldwin street.

we switched spots when this couple left for the table with the best view.

i let him have the rest. we went to the lcbo on spadina and found these single cans of mojitos and margaritas. actually, MIKE-aritas and MIKE-itos or whatever (mike’s hard family) and i said you could just dump one in your glass if you wanted. didn’t. also the mojitos are way too sweet, the margaritas are golden.


then we ordered that hank and mike movie i was a (fat) burlesque dancer in and ugh BRUTAL. turned it off halfway through.


hey i have access to a sweet pair of true FRONT ROW CENTER seat tickets for DEPECHE MODE with Peter, Bjorn and John JULY 24 at Molson Amphitheatre – any takers? email me if so. SECT 102 ROW A 16 & 17 BEST OFFER gets ‘em. check the seating plan here. clearly they’re worth a nice little mint.

18 thoughts on “i just wanna give up and lay down and die

  1. steph i know and i was so excited for it too! should i take a photo of the mould for my blog?

    liz just becase you have nice blond hair doesn’t mean you get to be mean.

  2. My friend from college wrote that Grandma’s dead book! There’s also a follow up book called “You have syphilis.”

  3. I ran into fil during Annex street fest and he said you were tired from shopping and now i know where you were shopping. mystery solved!

  4. hah love what you said about the camera “W T F WHY is she d-o-i-n-g THAT!?”
    i feel self-conscious every time i want to take a picture of something and i know people will react that way not to mention people here (vzla) are super nosy and will not be shy in going up to you and telling you something about it

  5. ahh yes the peanut gallery types, how wonderfully helpful of them. ugh. it’s funny how they squint at you like you are really far away like they cannot believe their eyes.

  6. just catching up on your blog since I have no internet at home and it’s blocked on most public networks I use so sorry if I should know this already…
    I love those high waisted shorts, where did you get them?

  7. Oh GOD. I was super obsessed with Depeche Mode for a huge chunk of my highschool life and beyond. Sigh. Wish I lived in TO to take those tix off your hands…

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