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i heard you move your men around

this post will be a medley of various and sundry items.

ok be serious now.


andrew said i gave a lot of good money quotes.

sass and i sort of did a dueling-banjos speech, we prepared for it but in the end abandoned the structure of our points. we have two different voices, she is organized and efficient whereas i thrive on blabbermouth off-the-cuff. many people in the audience when passed the mic made comments posed as questions, then talked and talked and talked. i don’t see the point in talking if you’re just reiterating already known information so i kinda mentally checked out for a few. all in all it was a good sesh, impressive turn-out and i hope to hear more about them in the future – it is imperative. you can access the audio stream HERE. feel free to take minutes of all the crap i said. for some reason our names are omitted from that list haha. if you were in attendance last nite and we didn’t get a chance to speak, hi! if you have any flattering/funny shots to share send ‘em on in:

oh look there’s fil back there.


requisite self-taken blogger photo to identify ourselves.

managed to make it to the drake just in time for the 86’d menu. brosz7kowski has not shut up about the photo of poutine from last week since last week. so we finally go and the guy can’t even finish his plate WTF. we all jumped on it.

a job well did look how zombied out i am. nice.

the victory did a bad move in taking their grilled calamari off the menu. you’ve been usurped guys, drake wins.

ugh this book is brutal (thanks jamie!) to get through, though we’re trying. oh god we’re trying. so many gross words and cheesy cliche metaphors.

i need to see this movie.

we made it to chapter 2.

tyler and jill have quite the art collection. canadian at that. this is part of team macho, no?

the artist even showed up later on, i felt a bit sheepish over my tattoo, nerdy kinda. it didn’t come up.

do you think people would have noticed if i tucked that under my arm on the way out, oh this? um, it’s my um, science project yeah, on bristol board DON’T LOOK IT’S NOT FINISHED.

opposites, red white red white. ha.

holy mackarel!

um nice part and no hair volume much?

two blythes in one day! now i have two blythe books, two blythe dolls, one blythe tattoo. i think it’s officially becoming “a thing”. thanks again brosz7.

i’m not really a candy fan so when i acquire it and then pass it on it feels like kind of a non-gift but never underestimate the power of stoners. that bowl was emptied in seconds.

oh hey dudes.

do RAY MI thanks sass.

she has wicked scrapes all over her legs. too many bar fights.

you call that a bar? never ever ever going to mr. green jeans again. so many gross white tourists eating gross white tourist food. buzzkill. if you know any great undiscovered gems in the YDS area please let me know.

sass and i are considering synchronized swimming as our next move.

oh guess what i made a new twitter, follow it: RAYMI IS EMO.

6 thoughts on “i heard you move your men around

  1. Well that sucks that Matt went and Drake poutined without me.
    He goes on and on and on about it to me.. only to drag me all the way to Drake for lunch only to find out its served at dinner time.

    And then a couple days later goes and gets it!


    Im just jealous. Coquine poutine.. they sprinkle pig crackling on the top of their fries and their fries are SKINNY fries. I dislike fat fries.. too much potato and less crunchy sides.

  2. That art on Ty’s wall looks like a similar style to Greg Shegler. Recommend him!

    Greenjeans used to rock the spot for their Veggie Burger. It was seriously the best veggie burger in the business. THE BEST. Then they took it off the menu when they did that hideous renovation. I used to love going there, now it just looks like any ol’ mall restaurant from Newmarket.

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