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shhh be quiet an artist isn’t working

reminds me of stoner drug deal days going along for the ride baked out of my head trying to capture as many lights as possible and literally being mind blown ha stoners. anyway i took too many for my blog so if you’re feeling pretentious you can just go through the entire set instead of just cruising the best of the worst here.

um i think that’s the cn tower.

and to think this actually seemed like a good idea at the time and even for a duration afterward. i was going to produce some full on witty bipolar captions. moment passed.

this is actually one of my favourites haha.

wait let me turn this up a notch. wow.

another favourite. seriously, you can find a painting like this in the tate worth a billion dollars. total wankers, artists. it’s not the artists really who are most annoying, it’s the rich mother$#@%ing assholes bankrolling their garbage. in other words I AM SO FUCKING JEALOUS. i went when it just opened and one installation was literal garbage, sorry, rubbish. this guy displayed his wife’s bathroom bin stuff, it looked pretty cos it was all antique, old tins, condom packages from the 30s. if fil displayed my garbage today it would not look hot, at all.

ok this is boring me now, i’m bored. are you bored?

ok you made the cut, just barely though.


i give up.

oh wait here’s something for you that i wrote down last nite before i passed out clearly it applies to me, k are you ready? here it comes:

unaccepted everywhere and popular for it.


also not to be a bandwagon jumping reiterater or anything but, summer, hello?

8 thoughts on “shhh be quiet an artist isn’t working

  1. Raymi, now you can tell your Mom you know what the seventies looked like.

    captain obvs

  2. I don’t understand either how some artists make it and others don’t. rich families? mafia connections? they give a lot of blow jobs? seriously.

  3. I love how you comment on art by creating it, Raymi. I’ve said it before, but you’re a Satirist of the highest order. I’m glad you’re speaking at the Gladstone anti two-tier thing. Telco’s and TV don’t really understand the idea of content for content’s sake or that it CAN actually generate different income, sorta like the music biz. I wish there was a way for your commentary to make the big bucks – maybe a broadway musical?? or oddly – if it goes two tier – big brother will want a piece of your cool, and your followers and pay you big cash money to get it. I hope it doesn’t come to that. Zoom..

  4. i was just mulling this over on the subway (when i noticed an outdated ad for some whatever the shit that in no way anyone outside of toronto would know about if not for the internet, ie blogs) on my way to a launch event about how if this two tier shit was to come to fruition how that would royally f over canadian commerce in a major way in the form of guys like me touting the everyday events going on that the rest of the nayshe wouldn’t know about if not for internet parking lots like mine. nahmean? free advertising is important if you think about it.

    also one other thing all that socialist propaganda flack we receive for our “free” health care um, yeah, if our internets gets severed i’m like, moving to france.

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