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walking through the woods one day

there was more but fil got bossy about them so i will have to fight him on them later.

8 thoughts on “walking through the woods one day

  1. I’m thinking on a bright sunny day, Fil could have went B&W infrared with these poses. The dead and twisted tree and the old picnic bench would look great in infrared. I really like the b&w pic.

    captain obvs

  2. You are the reason that I occasionally have to bitch at my husband to take some goddamn photos of me… Then he goes and takes them when my hair is 2 day-greasy and I have zero make-up on and I scream NO! and he says Fine, then don’t ask me to take pictures of you anymore. Fuckity.

    You have to admit it rocks that Fil is such an excellent photographer (but it helps the most that you are still a fucking babe!!)

  3. hey raymi! thanks for your feedback about my shorts :)

    not to be a broken record but do you think you’ll have a blog party?


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