more free shit with raymi
what was in the warner after party gift bags? from raymi lauren on Vimeo.
rushed it a bit, had to pee, wanted the room to myself before the boys came back up. we shipped those books along with some other stuff, they’ll arrive in several weeks. oh and in that ck perfume sachet was also sarah jessica parker’s LOVELY perfume as well as some kenneth cole cologne.
I really like the sound of your voice over the rustling of the bags. Maybe you should rap over rustling sounds all the time.
you will not like the sound of my voice in other videos ha.
SJP Perfume!!!!!
welcome home ya old fart
Hi Raymi,
I’ve been reading your Juno posts and what a blast from the past! I used to work for CARAS (The academy that runs the Juno Awards) so your photos and posts brought back a lot of memories.
Love the blog!
The extra bag is for me right? RIGHT?!?!?!?
Happy Birthday!!!
I just read this, and for whatever reason, thought you might dig it:
also: h a p p y b i r t h d a y
lala i had a huge bracelet of those tabs hahaha
I think the mac stuff probably cost more than everything else in the bag combined. score!
happy birthday! what a trip, i miss Vancouver and BC…
if you guys don’t need the nano case i could probably put it to good use. lemme know k?
thanks for making so many updates while out west, i love it.
aw sorry we left them and a bunch of other junk for the maids