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does raymi have an eating disorder?

Sassephine: oh man i’m looking at my google analytics
and number 9 google keyword this week is “doesraymi have an eating disorder”

me: WHAT
show me the link

Sassephine: it’s not a link it’s in my google analytics report
9. does raymi have an eating disorder 7 1.14 00:00:02 0.00% 85.71%

me: does it show u where that came from

Sassephine: no

me: so someone searched that more than once?

Sassephine: 7 separate visits searched that
and got to my site
twice on monday

me: wtf

Sassephine: once tuesday. twice wednesday, twice yesterday

me: were they expecting answers?

Sassephine: i don’t know

me: so is the key to that riddle on your blog

Sassephine: your name is all over my blog

me: right but eating disorder?

Sassephine: the only time i mentioned eating disorder is when the half asian twins were talking about their crazy diet
and our coworker said to them that’s not a diet, that’s an eating disorder

me: ah well there you go
i must have the same searches in my stats

Sassephine: but i guess google spit that shit out from my site through searched
you don’t use google analytics?

me: statcounter and the wp thing
7 29.17%
5 20.83% raymi
3 12.50% lunch raymi the minx
2 8.33% raymi minx
2 8.33% raymi the minx
1 4.17% granpas young girls fuck
1 4.17% fubar
1 4.17% if you were ever on a road trip molson
1 4.17% raymitheminx
1 4.17% he feels me special

Sassephine: hahaha


me: Sassephine: 7 separate visits searched that
and got to my site

Steph: thats bizarre

me: very

Steph: people are weird
and bored

me: yeah cos im getting thinner i must have en eating disorder meanwhile everything is mapped out on my blog daily what i eat

Steph: its just annoying cause you actually made an effort you know

me: i know!!!
like 3 fucking year effort

Steph: people are jealous
and lazy

me: and fat

Steph: ahahaha ya

so should i lock my twitter to force the lurkers out and get more followers?

25 thoughts on “does raymi have an eating disorder?

  1. People are so annoying when it comes to any weight change. I’m a small little dude myself and I get asked all the time if I have an eating disorder.

    You and I can’t help being this non-fat, we’re just gifted.

  2. If you have an eating disorder, I must be dead from mine by now. So no. You don’t.

    And locking your Twitter account is for losers and hambeasts after I insult them and their inability to RTFM and their exuberance over steam mops. Or people who have something to hide. Do you have something to hide? All you have to do to get followers is not suck, and um, don’t suck… often. Bleh, but who cares about follower count, I block 99% of people who try to follow me… Quality > quantity.

  3. well i just know that many are purposely not following and simply lurking, same goes for the many who don’t comment on my blog. i think the favour should be returned. i give enough here. i feel like punishing the lurkers basically. “RTFM”?

  4. Lurking is a funny thing. A lot of people are intimidated by people who are outgoing and put it all out there. I sort of get where they’re coming from, it’s all a matter of being self-conscious and not wanting to draw too much attention to yourself. I’ve been that guy before; but now I just don’t give a shit.

  5. ….this made me want to quit my lurking. so hereyago.
    Question about lurking: If I’m lurking, and then I quit lurking beacuse I’ve walked away from my laptop for, maybe like, I dunno – hours sometimes – but your page stays up in the browser… your stats make it look like, maybe i’ve been staring at your page for that long? Contemplating your daily affirmations?

    …cause that would be the reason for it i swear.

  6. I prefer lurkers not to follow me, actually. Don’t wanna know about them. They’re kinda creepy. Always following a bunch of people (all chicks), no updates, no followers…

  7. thank you for coming out of the shadows little m. i know that sometimes people must leave my page open for hours accidentally, no big deal. however then there are the others…

    candice that’s just like flickr. however in this case i somehow don’t care ha

  8. eating disorder? WTF? those people be jealous, i think…

    i dunno where they’d get the idea..its not like you’re the spokeswhore of Chew & Spit or something…

    and yeah, you blog pretty much everything you eat…and last time i checked it wasnt a pic of a plate with a saltine cracker and a cigarette on it…

    fuck em, you look healthy and fabulous.

  9. Hey Raymi,
    if you have an eating disorder..well shit, i do too. there are just some of us who have our priorities straight. You are smokin hot now, you were smokin hot before. fuck em.

  10. whoa i guess i’m a creepy lurker. but i’m shy so here i am, hello !
    thanks for letting me escape here and there from my eft days at work raymi

  11. anywho, here’s what i should have said about protected twitter updates… a lot of people will follow you from the public timeline or because someone they follow you has you on their list, or someone sees a reply to you. if yer updates are protected, those people will never find you (or if they do, all they’ll see is a blank page that will bore them). those people probably outnumber lurkers by a lot — damn, doesn’t that shit have to be tedious? plus, they can’t stalk you on their phone that way. so yeah, logical response…

  12. You do look good… but I googled your name + eating disorder, and an article came up from way back in the day where you advocated eating once a day… that sounds like an eating disorder to me. Hope you are eating more now, as that can fuck you over later in life ( ie, my mum’s friends who didn’t eat in their twenties have really f’ed metabolism for life now) Stay healthy and don’t obsess over the numbers on the scale, it will drive you nuts.

  13. why would you even google that to begin with though? that’s the “plan” i made for myself to start losing weight and it worked. do i regret it, no. should the internet constantly have a say re: everything i do? no.

    jen is that what’s going on over there? ew.

  14. i think you have alot of lurkers here, or on twitter, because people are intimidated by you.
    not cus you are a scary person at all, but i guess cus it matters to them whether you think they suck or not?

    “you’re kindof a big deal” ;)

    i think it’s a bit of a compliment?.. but i would want them to talk to show appreciation if nothing else.

  15. i really dig the crayon pictures on your site. i think the majority of people who read/follow me are pervs and/or hate me too, that’s like 50% right there, the other half are the good guys.

  16. so funny you mentioned google analytics – i’m a search engine marketing analyst for the 4th largest marketing/advertising agency in the world – you should leverage me to bring more traffic to your site ;)

  17. yeah those crayon pics are pretty awesome, the guy has absolutely loads of them here…

    i don’t think i would have the patience to make one though!

    also i like to google/flickr food when i am hungry, i guess call it food porn, and that is how i first found your blog about 5ish years ago. the fact that someone would even associate you with an eating disorder is just… weird?

  18. HAHAH. Thats awesome. I totally googled you, and actually found a website that had an interview all about if you had an “eating disorder” or not. It was attached to an “how I got thin” search link. I found your blog a while back, and read your rants often. Personally i think you are too cute and hilarious. Take as a compliment, no stalking intended. I actually think you look amazing. FAR from anorexic.

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