lee’s bathrooooomz
i am the most dainty thing to ever happen to the internet. i’da gone for whimsical but that word is dead to me as everyone has decided to destroy it.
dear raymi
hi hi.
wednesday night i was at lee’s for a show and lucky me, afterwards was in a bathroom stall that you had written in! my friends waited 1000 hours for me as i drunkenly tried to find something to write with in my purse. i think i just ended up writing, ‘i love you’ hahahh. it was almost like seeing you. (my dream throughout the whole day/night i was in toronto). one day raymi, one day.
*love erin.
yeah i got nothing today my brain is fluff.
i drew this when i was in high school, gave it to fil when we were courting and he hung it up at his old job, said his retarded cousin drew it. ha.
brunch of champs. pre-perogies RULES. post-perogies does not. i feel like i am having a heart attack but why is my right arm sore? so yeah my right arm is having a heart attack.
i was the last one to wipe down this table. hint hint hint. fil hint.
a deal is a deal, fil’s actual artist cousin owes me a painting. that is a ketchup chip thumbprint in lieu of blood.
this new camera is kinda wonky a slew of dumb self-portrait pics have totally disappeared, from camera and computer. weird. they were of me in my shrooms outfit i was going to wear yesterday to be funny. feh. meh. leh. keh.
waiting for the rain to stop so we can go do some super fun errands. remember being a kid and how errands were the most BORING soul-sucking pieces of shit ever, being dragged around in the car on a saturday afternoon like a monkey and now being an adult in the city it’s like, somehow fun? man adults are teh ghey. this (rain) is what i get for completely wasting yesterday. the way i dickheadedly see it is whatever, more warmer days are comin’ this way why do i need to stroll the hood in jogging pants to experience some EXTREME 17 degrees wow SO BOILING hey lets hop on the patio train choo choo predictable toronto express i need to sit on a patio everyday until next winter everyone ready set GO. i guess i treat life the way los angelinos treat their weather, totally for granted. it’s my life and i can rain on it all i want. sorry the gung ho fairy was out takin’ a wizz when i was conceived, not my fault.
woah i dont sound desparate at all.
not at all and now you have been linked so everyone can visualize your non-desperation face heh
made me hungry for perogies, fuck those look good
17 degrees fuck that’s tropical for now
aw toronto <3
i guess the killjoy fairy was around tho eh
if by killjoy you mean the cynical depresso bipolar fairy, then yes.
Is that a Simon on the top shelf of your book case?
yes it is it is.
I am riding the patio train, i gots my season pass.
yum, i have to get me some perogies now!
perrrroooooogieeees. yum!
i like your shirt
the dainty photo is cute. I’ve never had these perogies you speak of.
never?????? oh and that shirt used to be a dress.
maybe you should move to victoria… where it’s snowing on all the crocuses and daffodils. go figure.
oh god i am so sick of people talking about how great southern california weather is. guess what? it’s fucking boring as hell. nothing to “take advantage of” here. give me snow and bracing cold any fucking day, or hey– some actual seasons would be nice. i guess the grass is always greener, as they (who?) say.
i just mean you take it for granted is all like you just proved my point heh but yes change in seasons is nice, long winters are not.