oh what a nice surprise!
postsecret came early this weekend you guys…
you are really funny and i like you and i bet you have good bar stories A+.
hey guy, nobody likes a drop-in, do yourself (and her!) a favour and call ahead first. trust me on this, you’re a teeny bit scary.
clichéééééééé! oh my little cougy horn-dog, this is why we marry for love not wealth, come on now.
and those secrets would be what? where are they? and why do stupid ones like these make it to the internet? thanks for wasting my time, seriously. do we all have magic eight balls here or something? look, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, spit-it-the-fuck-out or don’t even bother. based on your purple marker and the tourist postcard you purchased on that trip your parents forced you to come with, your secrets suck anyway. next.
WAIT WHAT!? are you a detective? ok i am fingering the dark here (ew) and gathering you’re amidst a divorce and your wife and/or husband (vise versa whatever) is compiling shit against you, one of you blew it and now you’re screwed. this is why you don’t talk it out in people’s cars haven’t you seen 20/20? GOD!
aw pookie, assuming these people are your stupid relatives at thanksgiving/xmas/hanukkah whatever, don’t talk to them, they are phantoms in your life you cannot and will not ever be able to rely on so just ignore them completely, they will never take the time to get to know you personally and honestly do not give a fuck about you. let your mom deal with them. as for senior year, find a couple burn-outs and just couch surf with ‘em til it’s over.
hey can i play too! kidding. um i guess this is a “healthy” midlife crisis thing to engage in, at least you’re not banging 20 year olds and buying dinky little sports cars and wearing scarfs. phewf.
ok so, i had this big burn prepared that the foundation of was centered around how what the FUCK is an epidemiologist? but then i looked it up yeah yeah i get it but great another boring cliché. what do we learn from this? that we can’t really trust anybody’s bullshit ever? wow that’s comforting, thank you mister epidemiologist (stupidest word ever) for sharing your harsh burden (no really i mean it) you’re like the shrink who pops pills and has a nervous breakdown, or the vegetarian who collects taxidermied animals for their funky apartment. point being, get out of my face liar. congratulations on quitting though, do you want a medal? i quit a year and a half ago you don’t see me bragging my life off about it now do you?
OH PUH-LEASE! do you know how many people say this you pile of bullshit posing waste of ridiculous space? spare me. we both know you barely ever had a habit and even when you did you were a fat fuck anyway, i could eat five slices of pizza after a few rails, and infinity beers, does that sound like a feasible diet plan to you? in summation, stop embarrassing yourself at your stupid hipster parties by repeating this line (ha pun) because no one is buying it and you are only highlighting the fact that you have weight insecurities as well as acceptance desperation and people are tired of hearing it. no amount of complaining about losing weight will make you lose it it just makes you annoying. it took awhile for the light bulb to go off in my head about that one. ps. coke is a joke! repeat that one kids.
pssst, you have yellow fever. stop thinking creepy thoughts about your co-worker before you end up fired. buy some asian porn and shut up already.
oh look another drama queen, how exciting! no, you became a junky because you couldn’t find anything else to do with your mundane existence and you figured it would only be a temporary thing but now it has ballooned into an intervention-like proportion which gets you off cos you’re an attention-seeking whore and you always have been it’s always been about you. YOU’RE KILLING YOUR MOTHER YOU BITCH WISE UP EVERYONE IS SICK OF YOU AND YOUR MANIPULATIVE ME ME ME SHIT you are a drain, one huge vacuous selfish self-indulgent asshole and you’re not sorry. get over yourself heroin chic, now before it isn’t cute any longer and you look like amy winehouse and if you’re so fucking smart and enlightened why didn’t you have the forethought to know heroin was a big one to mess around with? look at you now genius. stop using your addiction to get attention you fucking suck.
good, keep it that way. chicks get burned on that one all the time. your husband probably has a secret account too, such is life. man, isn’t humanity fucking great?
can someone please tell me what the hell this person is selling cos i just wasted ten minutes scrutinizing those boxes and i got nothing.
FINALLY a smart person i am giving you a standing-O right now. this is like how some dudes read chick magazines cos HELLO all the answers are right there, it’s like a map to our brain and heart AND IT COMES OUT EVERY MONTH IN VARIOUS PERSONALLY-SUITED STYLES FOR $3.95 YOU STUPID MORONS GET IT TOGETHER ALREADY FUCK! hurry up before the mag business dies out once and for all.
aw, i’ve never ever heard that one before. you truly are the definition of unique and the total embodiment of a surefire trail blazer there, sally. colour me on the edge of my seat!
ok you just solved your own problem here person but let me guess, you’re still reading these stupid things anyway aren’t you? ugh snooooooooooze PUT THE BOOK DOWN AND LIVE YOUR LIFE you have one chance only stop screwing around!
CONGRATULATIONS THE MOST WINNINGEST WINNER YET! the cheese truly does stand alone in the end don’t it, farmer? that’s it, snap out of it loner, i haven’t any words left here people there’s only so much i can help. i feel like neo in the matrix (sequel?) when that chick gets shot and he gives her his health to remove the bullet but then it drains him to near death, that’s how a postsecret slaying leaves me, i have to go take some vitamins now or i will perish.
Oh man… I do that windshield wipers thing. :/
ahaha! i love your rage at the heroin addict. that was funny. i identify with the high school one. bleh. and yes to the secret (or not so secret – why the fuck does it have to be secret?) separate savings account. hello!
those are Girl Scout cookies in the back of the car.
She’s selling Girl Scout Cookies.
so a little girl scout has her driver’s license? or it’s her mother? wow. what a sick fuck!
i think that windshield wipers one is my all time favourite post secret.
that was the super greatest genius post. you are so on your game today.

Sometimes I miss the results of my coke’n’smoke diet too.
…but then I remember how neurotic I was, and I stop.
That wasn’t Matrix – was it? It sounds like whatshisname – the MIB guy? – Will Smith, in “Hancock” – with the babe Charlize Theron. It doesn’t matter, though…
The windshield wiper idiot was the best. D o o f u s. What a numbnut. More coming out tomorrow. There is a never-ending supply of doofii with pencils and postage stamps. Your got your work cut out for you, raymi!
yeah that is a cheap go-to desperation plot trick movie scripts always pull.
You’d think that as much money as there is floating around H-wood the buttwipe producers could hire some good writers. I bet I (or you! YOU!) could write a better script than most of ‘em out there now.
Yeah! “Marketable Depression II: The Reckoning!”. Bwa-ha-ha-ha. Who would play raymi?
Instead, they just keep going back to the same ol’ plot-closet – probably in some seedy motel somewhere in lower Bumfuck Kansas – and dusting off the same, tired crap.
Whadaya painting lately, lady? Yes, I see no new paintings…
Painters cramp? Painter’s eye? Brush epilepsy?
I love it when you judge the secrets. Love. It.
Also, I still don’t understand the girl scout cookie one. What are those girl scouts up to?
Dear Raymi, I loved your commentary on Post Secrets. It’s cutting edge and brilliant. Did you inherit your wit from your mother?
does canada have girl scout cookies?
i have a sneaking suspicion that the author of the girl scout cookies postcard is up to something way more devious than selling cookies. Probably some awful pyramid/investment scheme. They are just using that picture not to get themselves in trouble. Ugh, capitalism!
(Although, i’ll take 5 boxes of Samoas and 5 of the Thin Mints, thanks.)
If they really are Girl Guide cookies, then it’s either someone selling them on the side and keeping the money, or they are trying to tell us the money never actually goes to the Girl Guides, but it fact goes straight to feed the fat girl guide leaders coke addictions, which they try to use to help them lose weight from eating too many cookies over the years.
we have brownies then we have girl guides, which is essentially the same thing except they wear blue. mental illness clubs if you ask me. http://www.girlguides.ca/ i lasted one year of brownies, hated the bossy nerdy conformity, not a good thing for spazzy kids who just want to tell stories at 100 mph.
my big mouth comes from both sides, the lack of filter bluntness comes from my mom, the witty smart talk comes from my dad. double whammy.
The “girl almost dies but he brings her back to life” thing was in the Matrix series as well.
i actually like the porn one – doesn’t belong on postsecret though! hahaha
my not-so-secret is i’ve never smoked and it’s a dirty dirty habit, but when i’m stocking the smokes and flavoured cigarillos at work they smell SO DAMN GOOD i want one immediately! exciting, i know.
Who the f*ck buys all those girl scout cookies? And wtf about the windscreen wiper guy – why is he so worried about what other people think?Next time it’s raining heavily, I hope you crash and burn, dude!
Raymi, I can’t even tell you how much I love these brilliant postsecret slayings! For some reason, I haven’t checked in here for a couple of years (until your last PostSecret thing). Now your twitter reminds me.