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what am i drying my fucking nails here?

Matthew: what time are you heading to steamwhistle?

me: 6 or so maybe be there a bit after

Matthew: cool, I’ll probably get there at like 7
I have to pick up my tux for my brother’s wedding

me: ahh
are u going to wear it
you should
fil is wearing work clothes

Matthew: hahaha
that would be awesome

me: that would be SOOOOOO funny

Matthew: I can’t fuck it up though

me: then you can be uptight about it all nite long

Matthew: just in case anything happens

me: omg that would be the funniest surprise ever fil would laugh his head off

Matthew: oh my god that would be so fucking cool though

me: like dumb and dumber

Matthew: bahahahahahaha

me: except u are one-upping fil at his own show


me: PLEASE do it
im going to sort of dress up
well wear tights and a dress at least

Matthew: I totally can’t, what if I spill shit on it or something

me: dude there’s nothing to spill other than beer and that comes right out
are you planning to fall into some red wine

Matthew: you never know how the night will go :P
it could happen!

me: oh man

Matthew: I fall in some pudding or something
There’s mud wrestling there

me: well i think it would be one of your more greater accomplishments in life if you just started wearing a tuxedo
like as your new thing
other than socks and shoes mainly being your thing

Matthew: it would be quite awesome

me: you dont have the balls for it tho

Matthew: my brother totally wanted to get dumb and dumber tuxedos for the groom’s men actually but the wife vetoed it :(
hahahaha what are you trying reverse psychology??
like if you dare me to do it I will?
I think you’d know me enough by now that I totally would

me: im just saying if you have an eccentric thing, you stand out – an eccentric mess is always appreciated
i dare you to wear your tuxedo tonite
i am posting this conversation

Matthew: you should buy me a blue tuxedo with frills

me: and then if pictures turn up tomorrow of me and you and you in your tux you will come out looking like a champ

Matthew: I would totally wear it
dude, I can’t wear it. If it was mine yes, but it’s rented and 2 days before the wedding

me: bok bok

Matthew: wow, that is totally gonna work

me: hahaha fuck you fine just wear your regular shit garbage

Matthew: I will, I’ll be dressed like you

me: pantyhose?

Matthew: no, I mean the male version

me: i already dress like a man

Matthew: haha how do you figure that?

me: well there are certain manly things i add to my wardrobe
sloppy shit

Matthew: dude, it’s all in your mind
I never once thought you dress “manly”

me: you’re all in your mind

Matthew: crazy, yes. manly, no

me: well i guess the perception i have of myself is a little outdated

Matthew: you dress normal girly, maybe you’re thinking of your lesbo short hair cut from 30 years ago

me: 30 years ago!
it looked kinda how yours does now

Matthew: yeah, you’re like what, 47 now?

me: i am going to charlie horse you

Matthew: hahahahaha

me: i dont dress nearly as crazy as i used to when i was actually crazy

Matthew: I was just fucking with you cause you write it on your blog, I don’t think you dress crazy

me: like punched out lenses sunglasses and lipstick on my teeth
i didnt take it to heart nothing you say affects me

Matthew: I think the lipstick on the teeth thing happens with old age
I read about it yesterday
nothing to heart? not even nice things?

me: when was the last time you said something nice to me
and im kidding

Matthew: I know
lipstick teeth explained!

me: dude that is like the only place you get your information from, the only links you ever send me are from cracked

Matthew: hahaha it’s part of my lunch reading along with your blog
and porn

me: so you are becoming progressively more stupid with each passing day

Matthew: by reading your blog, yes

me: and cracked
i lobbed you that one purposely

Matthew: there was no other way I could respond to that

me: you were supposed to one-up not barely match it redundantly
ok i have to pick out a shit garbage outfit now

Matthew: I’m working at the same time
I’ll be at the top of my game as always tonight

me: wicked!

6 thoughts on “AN ECCENTRIC MESS

  1. I’m the Josh that posted on the blog you linked to this morning. Circular Arguing Ding-Dong? That’s kinda mean. Especially considering my argument was in no way circular. I’m a really big fan of your blog, I voted like twenty times for you from home and work. I make a valid argument against someone who presented an opinion I disagreed with and I’m a Ding-Dong? I wasn’t mean, childish or spiteful (as so many on the internets can be). I thought the whole point of the internet was the free exchange of ideas. Anyway, still a big fan.

  2. josh woah woah don’t take offense i’m sorry ding dong hurts your feelings so much heh. i do not have the time to get into right now, you have your opinions, xenia has hers. i was being totally broad and i haven’t even read your comment yet. no insult intended, just my usual shit ok?


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