just a fewzies
thank for your pâté what i stolded.
ikea salmon sandwich, impossible to eat, just mitted the salmon and globbed some philly cream cheese on top and stuffed it in my mouth in like four seconds, how delicate i am.
fil has a big one for the meatball special.
dropped in at lens factory to have a peekeroonie as one of the photogs fil is exhibiting with on wednesday has some stuff up here. mental note get to grapefruit moon next week stop dragging heels paint more shit ugh ughhh.
went with annoying hipster pajama print, feh. v close to getting this one. of course we forgot to bring the stupid shower rings that don’t fit our rod to return.
so lucky to snag this copy. pumped.
ok i’m going to wrastle the duvet cover on to the duvet now, vote for nana please!
oh and i bought you a present cos i know you’re lonely and nappy.
aw, there there.
that movie is bad.
i am pretty shocked you bought that particular ikea bedding…doesn’t it look like creepy little bloody bugs or something to anyone but me? ahhhh grossss
aw. too bad that movie is crap. had such high hopes for it, too… anyway, good luck with the awards! your blog is smashing.
ok the movie was half crap but everything goes better with vodka, plus we watched it on fil’s crystal clear monitor ten inches away from my face so it was mesmerizing.