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my girl my girl where will you go

*whisper voice* LOUD VOICE VOTE PLEASE *whisper voice thank you*

goodbye painting.

hello vodka jug we killed last nite, a good run if i do say so myself.

sigh christmas tree death you wouldn’t understand cos your heart is made of coal.

took a ton of pictures of it to get whatever point i thought i had across.

of course, but of course, someone with a camera in the annex taking pictures of trash.

you are so beautiful.

courtney love called she wants her album art back.

relax jeez. i kid i kid v vibrant punchy photos stretched on canvas well done.

kilgour’s wings are way underrated, so smokey juicy and BIG. we thought that dude bottom right half covered from my plate was fil’s elder cousin, it isn’t and holy fucking habs fan central much, way weird watching the game from that side of the fence. pitt you need to start drinking again and join us there sometime.

there was also more of a mayo-based one i will probably get, so expensive though no wonder they give you the tiniest dollop on your teeny salad. my hair is half curled half dried from its winter excursion.

ok do you get it yet.

re-meet troy and some organic gift wrap.

god talk about laz-E i haven’t even painted in that cat’s shirt, when i’m buzzed i look up at it and think hell yeh that’s a fine white shirt you have on. i have intended to paint it a green/grey or blue for fucking ever now. the betty/veronica went to jen. fil likes looking at it.

a forgotten christmas gift fil left in the drawer that i already had snooped. do you know how many nitemare before xmas dvd hint bombs i dropped!?!?!?!?

how nice of natalie to include just the special features in my influenza care package.

fil’s new monitor. he is slowly building an entire cave to keep me out. what’s next, a tent?

movie snack, we rented eagle eye, i liked it!



hai guys!

17 thoughts on “my girl my girl where will you go

  1. But Fil is in the corner facing out, that is a step forward for mankind. Note that Snoop Dog had a new Man Cave built for guy space too.


  2. i like the part in eagle eye when the chick is like “do you think she could do that?” and the dude’s all like “she could turn that train into a talking duck” ahhahahaha
    just watched it too.

  3. i have not seen it in ages all i remember is him making them breakfast and now i want eggs and toast more than you can possibly believe

  4. I also have a corner/cave. We call it my living room. If she gets anywhere near it, I’m like, “Get the fuck out of my living room!”

  5. hahahaha i love the photo of cid and fil both looking at you and undoubtedly thinking “you will NEVER understand our love”

    poor raymi! that’s why you’ve got us losers – er fans.

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