how close i got to hootie
just for you
sorry i mean, “darius” “rucker”
i didn’t want to bud in on the country love-in line so i just stood in the shadows like the most un-creepy thing ever.
mary catherine gallagher, anyone?
sasskatoon blogged last nite.
yer really cool.
Thr Jan 15: MONTREAL Saddle Creek Indie Rock N Roll
‘LAND OF TALK’ @11:00, ‘Zeroes’ @10:00 & ‘Little Scream’ @9:00. $10.00 Adv @Tm-Hs-Rt-Ss. $12.00 @Door.
voted for you.. G’lucky!
Dude, check out my slutty guide:
not that you really need to read it – you have the look totally down. In a good way, you know it.
Ha! Love that pic! Should you ever be inclined- you would make an excellent stalker!
i would be a terrible stalker, i’m too self-centered, plus i know how it feels so no f’n way.
ha ha ha. ok- maybe only in theory, not practice, but you’ve got to admit- you’ve got the look down in that pic!
Hahaha one time a couple of years ago I got free tickets to see Hootie and co. at the skydome because I work there it was for Rogers’ customers and they couldn’t fill it up. And my friend and I totally tried to storm the stage but when we got down to floor level we were stopped by a weinery little security dude and so we just stood there with our arms out whining hoooooooooooooooooteee hooooooootieeeeeeee
it was Amazing.
and I’m pretty sure they played the same song twice.
Also, I still kind of love them. Whatever.
i spent the duration of the performance before sass showed up by myself reading a paper in the front like a geezer barfly and then i heard him play let her cry? felt nostalgic for five seconds until sass was like WHAT IS HOOTIE?
no that song is kind of great whatever sass what does she know she likes Spice Girls for christsakes
haha i do too i mean she is ignorant of all things north american
that’s because she chinese. you have no excuse
hootie is tinier in real life
like a little angel of the lord?
That’s crazy, because just a few days ago, I was going through my CDs, and opened up my Shania Twain CD case, but inside was a Hootie and the Blowfish CD! I never even bought that! AND WHERE IS SHANIA?
Sad but true.
i am lame and got a teeeeeeeny jolt when i read the sas(s)katoon thing.