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14 thoughts on “BRB

  1. i disagree, i’ve always had twig legs and i HAVE been ill the past three days but anyway good thing i didn’t post the rest i guess.

  2. I think I read somewhere that “you look anorexic in those underwear” translates to “I am unhappy with my 42 inch thighs”. Get well soon!

  3. Raymi, you’re probably one of the few people who can be on their deathbed and still look fantastic- I know you FEEL like shit but- well mostly I miss your daily humor- I have become addicted to it- a healthy addiction compared to most i suppose- but i sure hope you have been able to retain your sense of humor through all the sickness bullshit- and maybe caught up on some movies or books you were too busy to indulge in during your normal hectic life…
    Hurry and feel betta’!

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