how to wear a BIG scarf
this big guy belonged to steph and she passed it on to me cos it looked like she was wearing a neckbrace when she wore it. i felt like the universe was staring into my soul yesterday and kept laughing at myself and of course looked crazier, it made my head look really tiny at least, bonus? matt met up with us to get his ipod he forgot at our place last week and i said we have to get out of here my scarf is too big for this book store.
i NEED a necklace tree.
family presents.
clutter gone!
he’s still around though.
good morning heartache. it is so totally hair wash day. i want to cut it fil says no.
so i guess this is the bun scarf, necessary for when i do bun head to protect my ears cos a hat just looks super stupid over a bun.
fuck you.
coffee time!
ps. know your bartender. HAHAHA.
God, I cant believe how fat Cid is…lol ( whats his age?)
if cid was a human and this was his blog would it be ok to constantly point out how fat he is?
he is ten or eleven.
hahaha looks perfect!
Jesus. You got super stick thin.
I need your diet.
i shared my diet infinity times and you guys never listened/told me it wouldn’t work not my prob. kidding.
all i do now is wii fit, watch the carb intake, no snacking.
i DO have fat bloated days, this is the end of my menses so the next few days i will be at my tiniest then it’s all fatsville from there. another diet tip is stress.
Agree with Px re hair.
My cats have that fat belly too and I LOOOOOVE to bite it hehe.
Theyre 12, 9 and 8 y/o ^.^
don’t cut your hair. it’s awesome. I think I would like the big scarf if it was a color…maybe you should tie-dye it…just imagine how tacky THAT would be!
Raymi – body looks GREAT!
– I am super envious of the “mermaid” [hair over boobies] look you can pull off, my hair isn’t long enough yet; it only covers half of my nips
– I agree /w phil DON’T CUT….but I also “know” you, so you’ll do whatever you want anyway
– good post!
i love the new(?) painting!
awww love the kitty painting!!
yep new, not finished yet.
cat is muy gordo but who he got to impress anyway. BALLS HALF HOMO, hah! kinda Known Universe.
hahah your funny cute skinny long legs and that funny shape of yours is so cute. raymi those scarfs the red and white are HUGE girl but the pictures of you in it made me crack up now you and cid both have tiny heads. but in reality raymi since i’m not use to seeing you wearing scarfs that way they actually look cute on you with the bun in your head like a cartoon or something. you made me laugh when you said you had to get out of the store hahaha because of the scarf.
Ooo, tough call with the hair. I know when it’s long like that and the bad hair days come and you just want to get out the big scissors and start to go to work…sigh…I’ve had short hair for too long.
Oh wait i forgot to comment on the painting of the cat i can i not i love cats, raymi that cat looks like a ghetto suited up inspector gadget cat.then his deep eyes with his Mr Grinch smile hahah is cool. raymi you sort’da always bring in your paintings this childhood feeling mix with something that inspired you or a though or something you saw or to bring a smile. but it makes ppls laugh but not in nooo intention to make fun of it is like it brings back memories and is cute.
beautiful body.
you probably have seen this already cos you are the internet but it is ridiculous. 6 pups at first now they are down to 3, 2 are leaving to new homes soon and they will just keep the 1. i am going to cry when that day comes. i could watch them for days.
Raymi, don’t lose any more weight because you’re skinny enough.
Where’d you get that super scarf? You can probably wear it as a dress! Mwahahaha. Really though, I want one.
Seems simple enough. Will do.