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back in the daymi

florida, i am barely 3 here and afraid of swimming and my brother is taking off with that thing and i’m holding on tight cos i wanted to float on it too. my brother was a selfish dick to me all the time. so, i threw some decorative rocks into the deep end of the pool my dad had to dive in and get then i locked myself in the poolside bathroom cos i was scared i’d get in trouble over it. didn’t.

my first kindergarten bf’s birthday party. that was my ballingest outfit at the time especially with ghetto braided crimped hair. that shirt has shoulder pads. i decided that backwards crossed suspenders would suffice and after an afternoon spent eating chips and playing pin the tail on the donkey my shorts could do whatever they felt like, no need to showcase the fluorescent green embellishment cos this party is DONE. it was also hard to have game when you are taller than every boy in your class, that lasted til grade 8.

in case our daughter goes missing, here, take this picture of a 60 year old man.

preschool, circle time made me nervous.

me exposing papa, i just couldn’t go with it, god kids, ugh!

another halarious afternoon was spent betwix shawn and lauren, jokes were shared and many laughs could be heard blocks away.

get a load of that homemade popsicle but jeez mom put some mascara on me, where are my eyes???

birth of the notorious point i am so big on.

dude right behind my head would later become my first serious boyfriend of 1.8 years.

those chicks are obvs stoked on being placed near me at the table what is that shit all over my face?

i asked my dad if he was baked in this picture. the answer is not known.

pointing at that present, that’s right, mine.

i’m pretty emo here, guess i didn’t really understand this whole winter thing.

performing for my great g-ma. see how i come by my short shorts affection honestly, thanks mom. holy babe much?

gross! already at it with my weird fingers folding over OCD tick.

a kid my mom used to sit for. check my fridge art.

i am so a cat right now.

no eye lashes, exactly why i glob that crap on.

another fantastic halloween get-up. my mom actually paid some woman to make those for us. uhhhhhhh…yes.

brother’s communion, my mom made us both pose by the cake this way, i was trying to force one of my loose front teeth out during it cos i was not vibing with the lord at all. the tooth came out during a group photo. burn.

still playing with it.

i remember this day well because we were obnoxious fucking monsters in these back to school clothes at my nana’s and by the time we left to go to my other grandparent’s house we were complete messes and totally hyper.

i have those tights again and that watch thing on my arm was an xmas gift from first kindergarten bf, it had lip balm in it, no watch.

weekend my dad’s folks sat for us, we were brats. my brother convinced them to let us watch robocop.

junior kindergarten graduation i am super nervous to be near the principal.

if you can figure out what it says on that box i will be forever grateful, i had almost everything in that series and it used to be a cartoon show i was obsessed with. cannot remember the name. MOON DREAMERS THANKS SAM!

that was the villain witch of the show, this doll glowed in the dark. we used her head in a game we played in my nana’s basement, my brother cousin and i. two would hide in the dark while someone came down the stairs holding the glowing head so we could see that person and while trying to find us we would throw toys and crap at that person. v fun and dangerous.

this is what i am opening in this picture!

80s toys were the best, so inspired by acid.

k sorry for the little derailment there, just a few more and i’m good

i am so sick of that costume.

loved that dress.

look at my pipes!

my brother was the cuter one.

see how much i hated having my picture taken, i felt so naked.


preschool teddy bear picnic.

montreal, nice ‘stache dad.

that’s mocha, sigh. this picture is very a christmas story. i remember feeling extremely stupid posing for it.

ha way to go drawing a widow’s peak on my brother’s forehead with blue make-up.

yeah, my wardrobe pretty much hasn’t skipped a beat since this period in my life. i felt dumb posing for this picture too. v insecure and shy when it came to pictures as a kid. obvs i got over it.

k more awesome after some coffee.

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