made nachos last nite
and then all was not good in the hood. i think it was because i hadn’t eaten all day and no i’m not starving myself, just no energy to go out and eat and i’m fookin’ stressed so no appetite then you have yourself a mountain of loaded nachos and voila, sicktown. i did’nae barf though. i thought it might have been food poisoning but fil kept on truckin’ through so it wasn’t that and it wasn’t booze cos i barely had a little glass of white. anyway my nacho video is processing right now for shedoesthecity which i think is funny, here put this on your site but don’t tell them i was almost violently ill afterward! i think someone said once that if you don’t eat carbs for awhile and then you do, your stomach is not havin’ it. i now apply that theory to everything. i’ma try and make a red thai soup video tonite to make up for this.
what else what else, oh yeah we watched hell’s kitchen while eating our mountain of gold, and holy shit that show stresses me oot! who is scarier, chef ramsay or the guy who trained chef ramsay and made him cry? (what’s his name?) also, i am super happy the homophobic sexist drunk old man piece of shit was asked to leave for constantly antagonizing the gay guy, calling him a shirt lifter? what the fuck is that, and on tv! idiot! he had been pissing me off from day one, typical cliche old white guy who likes to sit around talking about the good ole politically incorrect days and after a glass of wine is an abusive monster, going on and on about not liking being told he CANNOT say certain things, which brings to mind an awkward situation that happened recently that i can’t really blog about. point being, the world has changed and now the onus is on you to adapt to it and not for the world to adapt to your dusty old-timey notions. it is NOT ok to be a piece of shit in a room full of white people and be secretly racist or display your catalogue of various terms for poofter when a homosexual is present and say it in a way that they are forced to bend and be polite about it, you manipulative twat.
ps. can you tell it’s getting chillier? can you feel it in your bones like i can?