is chandel ‘ier (here)?
merkley???: hi raymi the minx
i had dinner with three laurens last night
my world is filled with laurens
but only one raymi
me: hahahaa
are they pronounced loren or luhren like me
merkley???: i dont pronounce your name luhren
me: well thats how it is
merkley???: luhren
is that how your mom says it?
i’d never call you lauren anyway
it’s only raymi as far as i’m concerned
me: yes raymi is good
but luh-ren is how my parents say it
it was their choice
merkley???: they were obviously drunk
i actually think i tend to pronounce that name more like lawren
which is how it looks
but i am highly evolved
me: its a combo hybrid of luh and law
merkley???: i’m between law and lor with a smidge of luh
i think you’d let my natural pronunciation fly
me: i would not
merkley???: thats cuz you arent laid back
me: people who call me lauren do so condescendingly like they have an “in” with me
no if my name is pronounced a certain way my entire life i cant just make allowances
merkley???: thats like when people think they are being cute and they call me dave
me: like eastern euros have weird ways to say katarina
merkley???: those people are not clever
me: KATA-reeeeeeeeeeena
they get really mad if u fuck it up
wow dave
thats not even remotely funny
merkley???: but they say it like they found out a big secret
and they are instantly dropped off my to do list
me: dave is your real name?
merkley???: its my first name
me: but yeah thats how people say lauren to me too
merkley???: i bet
me: like they are super smart
merkley???: meanwhile we think — idiot
one time this girl was going — “i know your name is DAVE, so i’m gonna call you DAVE –
and i said well i’m gonna call you CUMFART!
and i still call her cumfart when i see her
me: HA
does she get mad
merkley???: well she doesnt bug me much thats for sure
nobody wants to be called cumfart in front of friends
me: hahaha im doing my archives thing and came across this gem, remember it:
ok what did one chandelier say to another?
is chandel ‘ier (here)?
merkley???: i dont remember that
me: you commented and said yes you are definitely drunk still
merkley???: i’m good at quips
me: ha ha — you’re so drunk. those are drunk jokes. aka not funny when you’re not drunk, hilarious when you are.
merkley??? | Edit comment Delete comment | Email | Homepage | 07.14.07 – 12:25 pm | #
yeah they’re borderline dad jokes too i just laid down for a bit and watched some of a league of their own and cried to it twice, two sad parts in a row and now i don’t feel nauseous anymore. is chandel here? AHHAHAHAHHAHAA
raymi | Edit comment Delete comment | Email | Homepage | 07.14.07 – 12:25 pm | #
cos i say in the post man i must be drunk still