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honest to blog!?

so your hero finally saw that worst piece of pretentious shit EVER movie JUNO last nite, w/ fil, we watched it late, til 1.41am and were pissed off the entire time, in fact the fire alarm went off due to flames from my bangs from rolling my eyes so fucking much GOD who was the first person to hype this film? it wasn’t even good! the acting and the overt witty (not even) dialogue matched terribly, like, diablo totally kevin smithed herself, how can everyone in this small white bread town speak exactly the same no matter age gender occupation you asshole. fil scoffed so many times i had to shush him like don’t make this harder on me THAN IT ALREADY IS! i was prepared to threaten the movie store dude to not bloody tell anyone that i rented this movie, i wasn’t even going to tell you dudes, but it cashed so hard i couldn’t keep it to myself. fil kept saying you know we are going to see it eventually, so i gave in to the hype. ugh i wish i hadn’t. if this movie is supposed to be witty and clever and fresh (fresh according to oprah)(i’ve seen fresher dog turds) then i’m not an unemployed blogger. weak weak weak, every dick who told me this is a good movie you are in the bad books, don’t think i’ve forgotten who you are and now thanks to this film ellen page is going to be in every other clever movie that i’ll have to chug wine through just to deal, oh yeah i do that anyway but you know i’ll have to like, drink even more. and don’t you dare for a second tell me that i didn’t “get it” or that the “funny” went over my head cos i’m pretty sure i’m ten times wittier and hella more sass-mouthed than the likes of any of you are i mean really, who’s blog are we at right now? if i could throw this dvd into the sun i WOULD and would fully welcome the replacement fee.

when i remember more things i hated about this movie i’ll let you know.

oh yeah, the glamorization of teen pregnancy was pretty solid too, kudos and how uncomfortable was it trying to watch them talk about music ungh so phony.

this is what i think of juno:

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