if i smoked weed
my blog would be more interesting i think, i would write dumb whimsical things that i thought were really insightful then copy and paste the lyrics of ten songs i would be listening to that afternoon and we’d all coast on my magical wavelength of bipolar riddles and burns, hmm, oh wait i guess my blog would suck then, but at least i’d be in a better mood.
i think i’m in a seasonal depressive funk, there’s always something right? am i losing my blog mojo? half of you can’t even view my blog properly, should i go back to the old template and say bye to the older posts function?
i’m transcribing my book into a word doc. right now and i can’t tell if it is a piece of crap or not. it isn’t, it’s alright i guess, it’s stuff that happened back in october and further back too.
this update is brought to you by garbage.