no more red wine, worse hangovers ever, it only took me infinity glasses to figure that out, wow what a genius over here right now. i just tried to lie down with cid but he didn’t appreciate it, he was just skeptical and suspicious, and then i started to feel nauseous. normally we cruise in bed for a couple more hours after fil leaves for work, i didn’t think it would be fair to sleep in seeing as we both got v. little sleep last nite (THANKS GILL!). we tried to go to the midtown but it was closed (blizzard or shut down forever? does anybody know?) so we went to ted’s instead, where the wine consumption began and jenny played fly on the wall and wrote down everything i said for her journalism article something profile on me, the more i drank the more i said OFF THE RECORD before and after certain bits, i’m sure she has information overload. then some guy pissed all over the seat in the women’s bathroom and was like well hellooooo to me as we passed on the stairs and kept staring at britt and i until she barked at them (jack daniels britt is awesome by the way) to take a fucking picture and they promptly left to go across the street to no doubt re-inact their creepy stare at girls from the bar bit, totally works if you aren’t three feet tall and piss on women’s toilets and your friend doesn’t look like side show bob.
well anyway today i hate myself and pretty much want to die.
oh right i was intending to eat more at the midtown, but didn’t cos duh not open, and that handful of buttered onions fil made (omg retarded orgasm) and a fistful of spinach i made and two tiny bites of sausage were not enough dinner no wonder i was out of my mind.
i think i’m totally done with winter, is it just me or has this one been crap more than ever, like full on stir crazy might as well live in the northwest territories mental?
monstergirl went to new orleans and made me two perfumes, the lady that mixed them named them flame and limes des buras. she said that flame has to be given by a redhead. hahahahahhaha.
i feel like watching that ridiculous orgy scene in perfume, i feel demented enough right now to deal with it.
hey look everyone who ever died from cigarettes, an electronic cigarette!